Philip and the Ethiopian — Acts 8

Philip and the Ethiopian — Acts 8

February 14th, 2021 | Unit 30 Lesson 1

The Holy Spirit led Philip to tell the Ethiopian man about Jesus. We are learning even more about the Church! After the last four weeks of "What is the Church". it is time to discover why does the church exist. Join Meghan and Melvin as we discuss sharing Jesus with others.

Ananias and Sapphira — Acts 5

Ananias and Sapphira — Acts 5

January 17th, 2021 | Unit 29 Lesson 1

Join us today as we tackle the big picture question, What is the Church? We take a look at the early church and the ways that we can serve each other. The Holy Spirit changes our hearts to want to share with those in need because Jesus generously gave all He had so we can share in His riches and have forgiveness and eternal life.

Living Like Jesus — 2 Peter 1

Living Like Jesus — 2 Peter 1

January 10th, 2021 | Unit 28 Lesson 4

Join us today as we trust Jesus! He empowers us to live for Him. We can live for Him in any situation we face. Parents, kids will show faith and trust in God as He develops the characteristics Peter mentioned (goodness, knowledge, self-control, patience, brotherly affection, and love). Today we focus on living like Jesus!

CrossWay Kids Christmas Wrap-Up

CrossWay Kids Christmas Wrap-Up

December 27th, 2020 | Christmas Wrap-Up

Hey CrossWay Kids! Our video team is spending time with their families this week, so we don’t have a new video to show you. But we didn’t want to leave you hanging! We’ve included our Christmas Special video from two weeks ago, so that you can enjoy all the great stories about Jesus’s birth again! Have a great week!

Jesus Returned to Heaven — Matthew 28; Acts 1

Jesus Returned to Heaven — Matthew 28; Acts 1

December 6th, 2020 | Unit 27, Lesson 4

The last lesson in the Unit 27 and learn, Jesus is alive in heaven, waiting to return for His people. Jesus told the disciples He was going to prepare a place for them, and when we die, we will be with the Lord. (John 14:1-3) In the meantime, Jesus has not left us alone. Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to be with us and help us do God’s work. One day, Jesus will return to make all things new and to rule as Lord over all.