“that their hearts may be encouraged, being knit together in love, to reach all the riches of full assurance of understanding and the knowledge of God's mystery, which is Christ,” Colossians 2:2

A net of women ministering to women through Time Together, Prayer and Worship, and FeasTing on God’s Word.

If you would like more information on the Women’s Ministry or on any upcoming Women’s Ministry events, please contact our Women’s Ministry Director, Meghan Heaton (meghan@crosswayfellowship.org).

Bible Study:

United in Christ: a 6-week summer study through Ephesians

In our upcoming summer Bible Study, which will start up the week of July 7th, we will listen to, read, and meditate on Paul's letter to the Ephesians. When you show up at a Bible Study meeting, you will find the format quite different than you may be used to. To help us all feel prepared to follow along with a new format, here’s what we'll be doing:

  • We will arrive unstudied, having had no homework to do throughout the week.

  • We will open with prayer, and then hear the chapter of the week read out loud. During the reading, we will quietly reflect on what the Holy Spirit is revealing to us, individually.

  • After the reading, we will have personal reflection time where you'll find a spot in the building to meet alone with the Lord. To help you use this time well, we will provide a list of weekly reflective questions to assist you. You'll need a journal to record your thoughts, and of course, you will need your Bible as well.

  • After personal reflection time, we will come back together for group discussion before closing in prayer.

You may be wondering, "how do I prepare for this?"

You will be best prepared by abiding in Christ in your everyday life. By daily seeking Him with all your heart and desiring to be humbled and changed by Him. By open-handedly surrendering any idols that He reveals to you, and daily spending time in His Word (anywhere in His Word!).

As Kyle and his family are away on sabbatical this summer, I am praying that we women will also take a sabbatical from our typical study patterns of "deep diving" into cross-references and word meanings, humbly aware that we all are 'star students' and that we have no need to prove it. May we instead rest in the Word that sanctifies us with Truth (John 17:17). May we allow the Holy Spirit to reveal through the simple reading of His Holy Scriptures what the Lord desires for us to see, hear, and know. May we approach this summer study with patience and with a great expectation that He will meet each of us exactly where we are and teach us exactly what He wants us to know.

2 Timothy 3:16 says that "All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work." We want that, don't we? We want to be equipped for every good work and trained in righteousness. We want a deeper relationship with God, and we want to hear and obey His voice. We are asking for the Word of God—specifically, the letter to the Ephesians—to transform us this summer. This study starts up the week of July 7th.

Previous Study Resources:

Garden to Garden: The Story of God; The Story of Us.  

Our Garden to Garden study has wrapped up! If you’re still following along or catching up on missed weeks, you will find all the teachings and weekly summaries below.

Women’s Ministry Fireside Chats

The fireside chats were a series of evening radio talks given by President Franklin D. Roosevelt. The beauty of these conversations was that it kept the American people up to speed on current events. Below, you will find the women’s ministry fireside chats. If you are wondering where we have been, where the Lord is leading, and what we are doing right now, read through our latest posts here.