“that their hearts may be encouraged, being knit together in love, to reach all the riches of full assurance of understanding and the knowledge of God's mystery, which is Christ,” Colossians 2:2

A net of women ministering to women through Time Together, Worship and prayer, and studying God’s Word to make disciples of Jesus Christ
If you would like more information on the Women’s Ministry or on any upcoming Women’s Ministry events, please contact our Women’s Ministry Director, Meghan Heaton (meghan@crosswayfellowship.org).
Bible Study:

Winter Women’s Retreat:

Our Women’s Retreat focused on being the Ekklesia: Called Out to serve the King. It was a great time together with encouraging teachings from Meghan and Estella. We recorded all the teachings, so that you can listen again (or catch up on what you missed!). The recordings are all linked here:
Women’s Ministry Fireside Chats
The fireside chats were a series of evening radio talks given by President Franklin D. Roosevelt. The beauty of these conversations was that it kept the American people up to speed on current events. Below, you will find the women’s ministry fireside chats. If you are wondering where we have been, where the Lord is leading, and what we are doing right now, read through our latest posts here.
It was a sunny Saturday, the wind was blowing, and the ball fields were packed. The baseball tournament was well underway, and the crack of the bats and the cheers from the stands made it challenging to hear the person next to you. We were lugging our coolers, tents, chairs, and toys, and I was looking for the field number or the Nationals jerseys...
The shadows on the earth are the longest in the winter. When the earth experiences the hardships that come with winter, those barren, bitter cold days, she can lift her head and look out upon the land and see that the shadows are grand. Likewise, in my…
This morning, I walked into the local coffee shop a little earlier than the friend I was meeting. After getting a cup of coffee, I looked around for a spot. Sitting at a large table were four women. In front of each of them was a beautifully illustrated book that looked very much like an advent study guide or a Bible study. Intrigued by what they were discussing, I sat down at a two-person table nearby…
My Aunt Sandy is 80 years old, and was recently diagnosed with terminal brain cancer. This would be terrible news, if it hadn’t prompted something WONDERFUL….
It is a hot summer day, and this morning I have one thought on my mind: Chocolate Eclairs. I absolutely LOVE chocolate eclair ice cream bars. I love the crunchy crisps on the outside and the vanilla ice cream coating around the creamy…
There were a lot of piles, lots of packing, and much movement. There were a lot of boxes, lots of paper and several mountains of bubble wrap, People were hauling and hustling about. But it was not Christmas, it was another moving day.
It was one of many moving days. There had been more than we could count over the years. Our belongings would get shifted and packed, unpacked, and packed again.