Family Bible Time: Jesus Appeared to the Disciples

December 2, 2020 | Unit 27, Lesson 3

Family Bible Time Connections

Unit 27 Lesson 3

Read all or parts of Luke 24:36-49

Talk About Scripture

If you’re ever in Ozark, Missouri, you should check out Smallin Cave. For a small fee, you can explore the miles of dark tunnels and wade in the pools of ice-cold water. The cave’s darkness would scare even the world’s strongest man or woman. The only light is the very dim, battery-operated lamp attached to your helmet. Sounds fun, right?

The tour of Smallin Cave is a frightening experience, yet people continue to sign up. Why? They sign up because they know that a guide will be close to them during the entire experience. They trust that the guide knows what he or she is doing and will not let anything bad happen. The key is knowing you are not alone. 

After Jesus was crucified, His disciples were afraid and confused. It seemed as if Jesus was gone for good. But then, some heard Jesus was alive. It was too good to be true! And then Jesus appeared, proving He was alive. In the middle of those days of confusion, sorrow, and fear, Jesus came to them with a message of hope and peace! He taught them. He ate with them. He even invited Thomas, who had doubted that Jesus was alive, to come and touch His wounds. Thomas and the others were comforted because Jesus was with them. Their faith increased greatly, and they couldn’t wait to share the message that Jesus is alive!

For 40 days, Jesus presented Himself to more than 500 people and proved that He is alive. Jesus is still alive today. We have not seen Jesus, but if we believe in Him, we will be blessed. He sends out believers to tell others about Him and gives us power through the Holy Spirit.

Prayer Time Ideas

  • Ask Jesus to remind you of His presence as you go throughout the day. What can we do to remember that Jesus is with us? How does knowing this help us face challenges?

  • Ask God to increase your faith in Jesus and give you courage to share Him with others. What are some of the doubts that you need to have faith to overcome? How can we encourage others who may have doubts about Jesus?

Actively Apply the Scripture

For Fun

Set up an obstacle course through the house and try to navigate through the course blindfolded. Attempt the course a second time with a family member holding your hand or guiding you by his or her voice. Talk about how faith is believing in something not seen. Even though we have not seen Jesus, we are blessed when we believe in Him.

Supplies: obstacle course items (chairs, pillows, toys), blindfold

To Serve

Make a video recording of your testimony to post on social media. Share the video for others to see and hear God’s faithfulness. Encourage other Christians to post a video of their testimony as a way to help those who may be feeling scared, alone, or doubting God.

An App Experience

If you would like the curriculum, video and music videos at your finger tips for your kids, download the Gospel Project App! You can download it for FREE on any device. Search LifeWay Kids and choose Gospel project Volume 9 Fall 2020. You will find coloring sheets, games and helpful ways to learn the memory verses.