Hey Parents!
Below, you’ll find details about what to expect for kids on Sunday mornings as well as an at home resource, so you and your family can be in the Word following along with our Kids Ministry from home.
You can also keep up with our Kids Ministry on our Facebook page and on CrossWay’s YouTube Channel (make sure you request to join our private Kids Ministry Facebook group, too)!
Our Vision:
Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven." — Matthew 19:14
The kids at CrossWay are a vital part of our church family. Dear to Jesus and dear to us. We believe that our children are a valuable part of the church today. They are part of the body of Christ and we, as adults, desire to come alongside them to support, pray, and disciple them in the way they should go.
Sunday Morning Kids Ministry:
Our Nursery and Kids Ministry classes are open for all children, from birth – 5th grade.
Nursery (0-2 years) | Abiders (3 years - Kindergarten) | Bible Builders (1st-2nd grade) | CrossWalkers (3rd-4th grade) | Disciple Makers (5th Grade)
When you arrive, turn right down the front hallway to find the Check-In desk. All kids who are participating in kids classes need to get checked in and receive a name tag/security code. Kids in Nursery and Abiders will go straight to their classrooms. Kids in Bible Builders, CrossWalkers, and Disciple Makers will go into the sanctuary with their parents during the first set of songs and will be dismissed to meet their teachers in the hallway before walking to their classroom. Parents pick up their children at the classrooms after the Worship Service ends.
At Home Resource:
Below, you’ll find the Unit Overview for The Gospel Project curriculum that we use to teach on Sunday Mornings! You can see which passage of scripture we are in each week and the Big Picture Question that correlates with each lesson/session.