Family Bible Time: Phillip and the Ethiopian

Unit 30 Session 1

Phillip and the Ethiopian

Family Bible Time Connections

Read all or parts of Acts 8 from your Bible

Talk About Scripture

Think about all the people you encounter in a week. Perhaps a teacher, a bus driver, a sports coach, a grocery store clerk, or maybe a doctor. Then there are neighbors, friends, and, of course, your family. You have so many relationships with people, and you’ll continue forming new relationships as you grow. Do you ever wonder why God brings so many people onto our paths?

What if the answer to that question is so that you can help introduce them to Jesus or help them grow closer to Him? Every follower of Jesus has been given a mission to share the good news of the gospel with everyone he or she encounters through what we say and what we do. When we have trusted in Jesus, every relationship becomes an opportunity to share Him.

When the Holy Spirit led Philip to the Ethiopian official, Philip obeyed and shared the story of Jesus with the man. Philip was willing to go wherever he needed to go to tell others about Jesus. If the Holy Spirit asks you to share Jesus with those you encounter tomorrow, would you be willing to complete that mission?

The Ethiopian official knew what the Old Testament prophets said, but he did not understand that they spoke about Jesus. The Holy Spirit led Philip to help the official understand the good news about Jesus: Jesus died on the cross for our sins and was raised from the dead, just like the Old Testament prophets said.

Memorize the Scripture

“He is also the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, so that he might come to have first place in everything” - Colossians 1:18

Prayer Time Ideas

Ask God to help you recognize the opportunities He gives you to share Jesus with others today. What are some reasons why someone might not know about Jesus? What are some ways you can tell that person about Jesus?

Thank God for the teachers and leaders in your church who help kids learn about Jesus. How did Philip help the man understand what the Scriptures said about Jesus? How can you thank those who help you learn about Jesus?

Actively Apply the Scripture

For Fun

Take a family walk through your neighborhood or in a local park. Discuss how the Holy Spirit led Philip to find the man along the desert road and how Philip obeyed. Talk with your kids about how they might respond if the Holy Spirit leads them to help others learn about Jesus.

To Serve

Make a list of family, friends, or acquaintances who need to hear about Jesus. Talk about ways your family can use your relationships to share the gospel. Make plans to do at least one activity on your list this week.