Family Bible Time: Paul Met Jesus

Unit 30 Session 2

Paul Met Jesus

Family Bible Time Connections

Read all or parts of Acts 8:1-3; 9:1-31 from your Bible

Talk About Scripture

On his 30th birthday, Dean Karnazes decided to go for a nighttime jog. He was not a runner. He had no training and no plan. Instead, Dean just put on his running shoes and started to run. And run. And run. Dean continued to run until the sun came up. By the time he stopped, Dean had run over 30 miles! After that night, Dean found a new life as a runner. He went on to run a marathon in each of the 50 states—one a day in just 50 days! Dean describes that nighttime jog as a life-changing moment.

Dean’s life-changing moment is nothing compared to the life change that happened when Paul met Jesus! Paul was against the followers of Jesus, and he tried to do everything he could to stop the message of Jesus from spreading. But then, Jesus stopped Paul on the road to Damascus and changed him forever.

After Jesus appeared to Paul, Paul lived with a different purpose. Instead of trying to stop the message of Jesus, Paul stood in the city and told everyone that Jesus is the Son of God. Paul went on to share the good news of the gospel as one of the greatest missionaries ever. Everyone was amazed by the change Jesus made in Paul's life.

When we believe in Jesus, our lives are forever changed too. First, we are made right with God and enjoy the promise of eternal life with Him. Second, we are given the power and opportunity to tell others about Jesus. Knowing Jesus truly is life-changing!

Jesus appeared to Paul and changed him inside and out. Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners. (1 Timothy 1:15) Jesus called Paul, who was once an enemy to Christians, to spend the rest of his life telling people the gospel and leading them to trust in Jesus.

Memorize the Scripture

“He is also the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, so that he might come to have first place in everything” - Colossians 1:18

Prayer Time Ideas

Thank God for being present and active in our lives today. What are some ways we experience God’s love? How can we remind ourselves that God listens to our prayers and cares about us?

Ask God to help you know Jesus personally. What’s the difference between knowing Jesus and knowing about Jesus? How can we truly know Jesus?

Actively Apply the Scripture

For Fun

Have a family fun run. Set up a short distance course in your neighborhood or at a local track and encourage each family member to run at his or her own pace. After the run, read Romans 10:13-15. Talk with your kids about Paul’s life of spreading the good news and how your family can continue to be the feet that carry the message of Jesus!

To Serve

Take time to share your testimony with your family this week. Think about how you can describe how your life changed in meeting Jesus. If your kids have professed faith in Christ, encourage them to share their testimonies with your family as well. You might even consider videoing the testimonies to share with other friends or family members.