The Gospel Project - Unit 33

No Other Gospel - Galatians

No Other Gospel - Galatians

May 30, 2021 | Unit 33 - Lesson 3

Paul told the Galatians they were foolish. He urged them to think. Did they receive the Holy Spirit because they obeyed the laws? No! Did they receive the Holy Spirit because they heard the gospel and believed by faith? Yes! Paul wanted to make this clear: Every believer becomes a Christian by faith in Jesus. Every believer continues as a Christian by faith. No matter what any person says otherwise. No one can be saved by the law. Galatians 1-3

Paul's Second Journey- Acts 15 - 18

Paul's Second Journey- Acts 15 - 18

May 23, 2021 | Unit 33 - Lesson 2

Join us as we learn more about Paul's Second Journey and the amazing things God did. Lydia and the jailer were saved because they believed in Jesus. Jesus offers us salvation as a gift. He did all the work to save us by dying on the cross. We do not need to earn salvation; we can receive it by repenting and trusting in Jesus.