Family Bible Time: Paul Gave Hope

Unit 33 Session 4

Paul Gave Hope

Family Bible Time Connection

Read all or parts of 1–2 Thessalonians from your Bible

Talk About Scripture

Do you get excited about taking a family vacation? You’re filled with joy and hope as you think about where you’re going, who you’ll see, and the fun things you’ll get to do. As you get closer to the time for that vacation, that joy and hope just gets bigger and bigger. That’s why it’s almost impossible to fall asleep the night before the vacation begins.

When the believers in Thessalonica were facing persecution, Paul wrote a letter to encourage them. Paul reminded them that pain or suffering are hard now, but it will all end when Jesus returns. No one knows when Jesus will return, but Paul assured the church that Jesus is coming back someday. That we can count on.

Paul’s message gave hope to the believers. Even as they suffered, they could look forward to the day when Jesus would come again and take away their pain. Like a kid waiting for vacation, the people lived with hope and anticipation for the day when they could be with Jesus, and without suffering, forever.

The prophets in the Old Testament told about the Day of the Lord, a day when God would come to judge the world and save His people. Paul said that in the future, on the Day of the Lord, Jesus will return for His people and judge the wicked. Believers live with hope, knowing that Jesus will come again.

Memorize the Scripture

“There is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to people by which we must be saved.” -Acts 4:12

Prayer Time Ideas

Thank God for speaking to us through the prophets. Praise Him for all the promises He has kept and for the rest that we know He will keep. How do the fulfilled promises help us to trust that Jesus is coming back?

Ask God to help your family live out the truth that Jesus could return at any time. What would you do if you knew Jesus was returning tomorrow? How might that thought make us more eager to tell others about Jesus?

Actively Apply the Scripture

For Fun

Use a wall calendar to mark a specific day at the end of this week or month. Promise your family a special treat on that day. Talk with your kids about how much your excitement grows as the day draws closer. Discuss how your family can find hope and encouragement in the promise of Jesus’ return.

Supplies: wall calendar, writing utensil

To Serve

Donate money to a local school to cover unpaid lunch debts. Ask your kids to do extra chores to raise money or to use their own money to also donate to the school. Talk about how the donations would remove worry for families. Remind your kids that Jesus has paid our debt through the cross. When we trust in Him, our worries are replaced by hope. He will return just as He promised, and every believer will live with Him forever.