Family Bible Time: No Other Gospel

Unit 33 Session 3

No Other Gospel

Family Bible Time Connection

Read all or parts of Galatians 1–3 from your Bible

Talk About Scripture

Have you ever watched an awards show and heard a winner say thank you to dozens of different people? Sometimes the list is too long, and music starts playing to tell the person it is time for him to get off of the stage. While long lists make for way too long of a show, these excited men and women recognize that they did not win the award on their own. Other people helped them win and they want to thank all of those people.

When Paul preached the good news to the people of Galatia, many of them believed in Jesus. But over time, some believers forgot the truth that Paul had taught them, and they began to believe in false teachings. One of the lies they believed was that they had to be good enough to keep their salvation. It was like accepting an award and never acknowledging that they did nothing to earn it.

Paul wrote a letter to the believers to remind them that salvation is a gift from God that cannot be earned or kept by good works. Every believer is saved through faith in what Jesus has done—not by anything they do on their own. And that salvation is secure, again because of what Christ has done not what we might do. But at the same time, Paul also told the people that faith should lead to obedience. Not to keep our salvation, but to thank God for what He has done.

All of salvation—from first trusting to faithful obedience—is God’s gift to us through Jesus. The Holy Spirit changes our minds and hearts so that we want to obey God, and He gives us power to obey. Our righteousness does not come through faith in ourselves but through faith in Jesus.

Memorize the Scripture

“There is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to people by which we must be saved.” -Acts 4:12

Prayer Time Ideas

Ask the Holy Spirit to help you grow in obedience today. Remember that we don’t obey to earn God’s love; we obey because we are already loved by God. How does it feel to know God’s love is based on Jesus’ work and not your own? How can this truth motivate you to obey?

Pray for others who may not understand the truth of God’s Word or may be misled by false teachers. Ask God to give them wisdom and good teachers who can help them know the gospel. Why is it easy to believe lies and half-truths we hear? How can your family spend more time in the Word to know the truth?

Actively Apply the Scripture

For Fun

Go to the basketball courts to play as a family. Take turns shooting long-range jump shots. Count the number of misses and talk about how hard it is to make every single shot. Read Romans 3:23 and discuss how no one is good enough to earn God’s love through their own works. Remind your kids that salvation comes only through faith in Jesus.

Supplies: basketball

To Serve

Volunteer to teach a Bible story for kids at church. Study the Bible passage as a family and assign parts of the story to each family member. Talk about the importance of teaching God’s Word so that kids and adults can hear the truth. Pray that those who hear the Bible story would learn about Jesus and grow in their relationship with Him.