December’s memory verse:
“For so the Lord has commanded us, saying, ‘I have made you a light for the Gentiles, that you may bring salvation to the ends of the earth.'” — Acts 13:47
Acts Chapter 12:
Chapter 12 is such an exciting chapter! You don't want to miss it! It opens up with Herod seeking to destroy those who belong to the church, but it ends with the Lord destroying those who refuse to seek Him. I am telling you, some seriously bad stuff goes down, but the church just keeps growing! They've got the king after them in a fury, but God gets the last word over that king. I just have to leave you in suspense so that you GO READ IT for yourself. Martyrs, jail, crazy rescue, delirious joy, elevated kings, and death by worms...READ IT FOR YOURSELF and then share it with someone else.
Here are a few application questions from chapter 12 to ponder this week:
In the beginning of Chapter 12, what helped Peter? Have you seen God answer the earnest prayers of believers who are united for one purpose? How did this increase your faith?
Early believers were often imprisoned for sharing the Gospel. Read 2 Timothy 2:9-10 and consider how Paul’s statement “the word of God is not bound” empowered the apostles to keep sharing the Good News in spite of persecution and imprisonment. How does Acts 12:24 support this?
Summary of chapter 10:
We meet Cornelius, a Gentile centurion, who prays continually, gives generously, and fears God.
Cornelius sees a vision and is sent by an angel to Peter.
Peter is staying with a tanner, an occupation considered unclean by the Jews.
Before the message arrives, Peter has a vision.
The Lord commands Peter to "rise...kill and eat" and to not call common what God has made clean.
Peter agrees to meet with Cornelius and many of his close relatives and friends (Gentiles—do not call common what God makes clean).
Cornelius shares his vision with Peter.
Peter shares the Gospel with Cornelius, highlighting the cross of Christ and the resurrection. The good news is for ALL who believe.
The Holy Spirit falls on the Gentiles who heard the word, believed and they were baptized in the name of Jesus Christ.
Summary of chapter 11:
Peter returns to Jerusalem with some fantastic news!
Peter is criticized by the circumcised Jews for going to uncircumcised men and eating with them.
Peter explains, in order, his vision and the events following.
The critics fall silent and glorify God, declaring that God has granted eternal life to the Gentiles too!
Back in Antioch, we hear of many Hellenists also coming to believe and repent.
We see Barnabas again and, encouraged by the growth in Antioch, he finds Saul and they both spend time with the new believers, called Christians.
A prophet named Agabus foretold of a famine to come, so the disciples send relief to those living in Judea.