Acts 9: Week of 11/6

November’s memory verse:

And he commanded us to preach to the people and to testify that he is the one appointed by God to be judge of the living and the dead. To him all the prophets bear witness that everyone who believes in him receives forgiveness of sins through his name.” — Acts 10:42–43

Acts Chapter 9

Acts nine opens up with "But Saul..." but it ends with "BUT GOD...." You will not be able to stop reading this week, as we see the miraculous conversion of one of history’s most unlikely converts to Christianity—it is an incredible testimony of scales falling away and the Holy Spirit giving eyes to see! As Saul proclaims with boldness that Jesus is the Christ he confounds many. Then, as we return to the narrative of Peter and read about the Holy Spirit’s power and even more miracles that lead people to believe in the Lord, we understand how the ending of chapter nine leads us to declare, BUT GOD.

Here are a few application questions to ponder this week:

  • Paul’s radical conversion transformed his actions, motives and thoughts. In your own transformation, what was it that caught your attention and opened your eyes to your sin and the need to receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior? Will you take the challenge this week and share your story, your testimony of transformed life, with someone?

  • Do you think anyone is beyond salvation? Would the early church have thought that Saul was beyond the salvation that Jesus died for? If you have someone in mind, consider how God plans to use this person to further His Kingdom? Will you commit to praying for them to experience Jesus in a radical way?

Summary of chapter 8:

  • Saul continues to ravage the church and persecute those who confess and preach Jesus as Savior and King.

  • Because of persecution, the church is scattered outside of Jerusalem moving north into Judea and Samaria.

  • Philip proclaims the gospel and many signs and wonders were done through him. Many in Samaria were amazed and there was much joy in the city.

  • Hearing that the Word of God has been received in Samaria, Peter and John come and pray for many to receive the Holy Spirit. Through this, the wicked heart of Simon the Magician truly confesses and repents.

  • Philip responds with obedience when the Angel of the Lord tells him to '“rise and go” to the south. Through his obedience, the Ethiopian eunuch receives the good news and is baptized. Philip is “teleported” to his next assignment and continues to preach the gospel!

This Year’s Memory Verse

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. “

Acts 1:8