Acts 10 & 11: Week of 11/27

November’s memory verse:

And he commanded us to preach to the people and to testify that he is the one appointed by God to be judge of the living and the dead. To him all the prophets bear witness that everyone who believes in him receives forgiveness of sins through his name.” — Acts 10:42–43

Acts Chapter 10 & 11:

Chapter 10 is one of the most important chapters of Acts! This chapter brings to our attention an extremely important point in God's redemptive plan! It is at this very point that we move from the old way of doing things to a new way! When Christ began the new covenant, the barrier between Jews and Gentiles was broken and hope was extended to all who believe! In the home of a devout man who feared God hope for us was revealed. You see, Peter's vision is not about food or animals, it is about people. It is about you and me! In Acts 10 and more into 11, Luke shows us why God repealed the dietary laws. He shows us how the unclean are gathered together and made clean by Christ. Though we all start life unclean, with Christ, no man can call unclean what God has declared clean by the blood of his Son Jesus! "What God has cleansed you must not call common."

Here are a few application questions from chapter 11 to ponder this week:

  • When he entered to eat at the Centurion's Gentile home, Peter was quickly criticized by other believers for not following Jewish custom. Have you ever been criticized by others for doing something God was leading you to do?

  • In Chapter 11:16-17, why do you think the Holy Spirit brought Jesus' words to Peter’s mind in regards to the baptism of the Holy Spirit? How did this help expand the apostles’ understanding of who "repentance that leads to life" was for?

Summary of chapter 10:

  • We meet Cornelius, a Gentile centurion, who prays continually, gives generously, and fears God.

  • Cornelius sees a vision and is sent by an angel to Peter.

  • Peter is staying with a tanner, an occupation considered unclean by the Jews.

  • Before the message arrives, Peter has a vision.

  • The Lord commands Peter to "rise...kill and eat" and to not call common what God has made clean.

  • Peter agrees to meet with Cornelius and many of his close relatives and friends (Gentiles—do not call common what God makes clean).

  • Cornelius shares his vision with Peter.

  • Peter shares the Gospel with Cornelius, highlighting the cross of Christ and the resurrection. The good news is for ALL who believe.

  • The Holy Spirit falls on the Gentiles who heard the word, believed and they were baptized in the name of Jesus Christ.

Summary of chapter 11:

  • Peter returns to Jerusalem with some fantastic news!

  • Peter is criticized by the circumcised Jews for going to uncircumcised men and eating with them.

  • Peter explains, in order, his vision and the events following.

  • The critics fall silent and glorify God, declaring that God has granted eternal life to the Gentiles too!

  • Back in Antioch, we hear of many Hellenists also coming to believe and repent.

  • We see Barnabas again and, encouraged by the growth in Antioch, he finds Saul and they both spend time with the new believers, called Christians.

  • A prophet named Agabus foretold of a famine to come, so the disciples send relief to those living in Judea.

This Year’s Memory Verse

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. “

Acts 1:8