Acts 7: Week of 10/23

October’s memory verse:

“This Jesus is the stone that was rejected by you, the builders, which has become the cornerstone. And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.” Acts 4-11-12

Acts Chapter 7:

In chapter 7 of Acts we meet Stephen, who is accused of breaking the law and disrespecting the temple. He is brought before the council and his speech is a significant turning point in the book of Acts. Using scripture and the history of the Jewish people, he takes the very things he is accused of and turns it back on the Sanhedrin. First, Stephen lays out the failure of the Jewish people’s faithfulness to the leaders who God has raised up. Second, he points out their defying of the temple, thereby resisting the Holy Spirit. Using their own history, through the scriptures, Stephen is making a comparison between Moses and Jesus and it appears that he is passionate about sharing the Gospel. Can you hear the passion at the end of his speech as he urges them to confess?

If you need a quick review of last week, scroll down for chapter six.  

Summary of chapter 6:

  • The disciples are increasing in numbers! The church is growing!

  • A complaint has been raised in regard to meeting the needs of everyone. The church is in need of those who can minister to one another.

  • The original twelve, in order to keep the witness pure, because they were with Jesus, continue to preach the word.

  • Seven men of good repute and wisdom who are full of the Spirit are chosen to serve the church.

  • One of these men, Stephen, continued to do signs and wonders in the name of Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit in him could not be withstood. Many rose up and disputed against Stephen and the message that he proclaimed - that this Jesus will destroy the temple at Jerusalem and change the customs given by Moses, the law.

This Year’s Memory Verse

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. “

Acts 1:8