EPIC: The Story of Hosea

April 22, 2018 | Kyle Brenon | Hosea 3:1-3

Community Group Questions

Our God loves us!!!
That feels like such an understatement… Even as I write those words I bring with me all kinds of baggage. When we think of how God loves us, we often find ourselves thinking of examples of how others have loved us in order to give ourselves some frame of reference. 

The problem is, in comparison to the overwhelming love the Father has for us, displayed through His son Jesus Christ, every example we have in our lives is just a shadow in comparison. The love of our Father in heaven is perfect!

This morning we continue through our sermon series “EPIC” as we trace echoes of Jesus through the Old Testament. Today we look at the incredible story of Hosea and the shadow of Christ on display through this Old Testament prophet.

Read: Hosea 1:1-3, 6-9, Hosea 2:20-3:5, 1 Peter 2:10, Romans 9:25–26


1.  Hosea is ultimately a book about redemption. What does it mean to be redeemed?

2. It’s pretty uncomfortable to put ourselves in Gomer’s shoes, yet this is what God invites us to do. In what ways do we put other gods before Him, in trying to find satisfaction and value apart from Christ?

3. How does seeing Hosea in light of the whole of scripture, give us a greater understanding of God’s love for us?

          - How does this point us to Jesus?

4. In what ways does the story of Hosea expand your understanding of God’s love towards you?

Memorize/Meditate: 1 Peter 2:10 “Once you were not a people, but now you are God's people; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.”
