fearLESS: Love

November 5, 2017 | Kyle Brenon | 1 John 4:18-21

Community Group Questions

This week we continue in our sermon series “fearLESS” as we look at what it means to LOVE fearlessly! 

Of all the things in our lives that fear has a tendency to hijack, our willingness to truly love others, and even our desire to truly love God, is one of the most destructive. We all carry pain and scars from our past, and many of us have built up walls to protect ourselves. The problem is, those walls don’t protect us, they isolate us. It is only when we come to realize that we are fully known, and fully loved by a perfect and Holy God, that those walls truly begin to fall. Allowing us to love Him, and others without fear. Remembering all the while that we love, because He first loved us!

Read: 2 Timothy 1:7, 1 John 4:13-21, Psalm 34:4, Romans 8:15-17


1. We are now 3 weeks into our fearLESS study, at this point, would you consider yourself overall to be a “fearful” person?

2. When it comes to the pain and scars we all bear from our past, we can quickly get into very sensitive territory. Understanding this, and being sensitive to it. Are there walls you recognize that you have built up between you and God?

3. When we take the time to realize, and even ponder the fact that we are both fully known and fully loved by a perfect and Holy God, how does it begin to affect the way we love Him, and the way we love others?

4. What might be the first steps you need to take, in order to love God, and love others, without fear? 

5. Take a few minutes to imagine what our church would look like if we were truly fearless in our pursuit of loving God and loving others, both among us, and within our community. 

Memorize/Meditate: Psalm 34:4 “I sought the Lord, and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears.”
