Faith That Works: A Journey Through James - Part 2

February 11, 2018 | Kyle Brenon | James 1:19-27

Community Group Questions

Have you ever met a “Fisherman” who seems to know everything about fishing? He's read every book on fishing, researched all the best ways to fish, is familiar with all the latest fishing gear and tells all his friends exactly how and where they should go fishing each weekend. He is an authority on all things fishing, yet he has never actually gone fishing…? Me neither...

Sometimes we are guilty of doing this with scripture. We might read the Bible, and we might listen to other people who read the Bible. Perhaps we even read other books about how to read the Bible better! Sometimes we even get together in groups and talk about it! (which is a great idea by the way…)

But do we obey the scripture? Do we live it out? 

Read: James 1:19-27


1. If you are reading/discussing this in a community group, it’s likely that “Hearing” the word is something you hold valuable. Interacting with scripture is a crucial part of our walk with the Lord. How often do you do this, and what does it look like in your life? 

2. Do you find it easy to meditate on scripture throughout the day or do the worries and stresses of the world steal it away and distract you more often than not?

3. As hard as it is at times to make time to study scripture, it’s even harder to actually DO what scripture says. Where are the breakdowns between us hearing truth and us living that truth out?

4. James says in verse 1:22 that if we are not doers of the word, we are deceiving ourselves. This is a bold statement and it is not easy to hear. However, if we believe it and we use it as a mirror to examine our own hearts, what does it show us?

               In what ways might we be deceiving ourselves?


2 Corinthians 5:14  “For Christ's love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died.”