The Gospel Project - Unit 2

People Rebel Against God - Genesis 10-11

People Rebel Against God - Genesis 10-11

November 7, 2021 | Unit 2 - Lesson 4

People wanted glory for themselves instead of God. They ignored God’s plan, so God confused their language and scattered them all over the earth. One day, Jesus will gather together all of God’s people—from every tribe and language—and they will worship Him together.

God Spared Noah - Genesis 6 - 10

God Spared Noah - Genesis 6 - 10

October 24, 2021 | Unit 2 - Lesson 3

God rescued Noah and his family from the flood. The story of Noah points ahead to a greater rescue. God’s Son, Jesus—the only perfectly righteous One—came to take the punishment for our sin. By trusting in Him, we are saved from the punishment our sin deserves.