Family Bible Time: Sin Spread to People

Unit 2 Session 2

Sin Spread to People

Family Bible Time Connection

Read all or parts of Genesis 4-5 from your Bible

Talk About Scripture

Genes are the parts of a person’s DNA that determine things like hair color, eye color, height, or whether we’ll be allergic to cats! Half of a person’s 20,000 genes come from the mother and the other half come from the father. 

When Adam and Eve had children, they passed down more than just the color of their hair and eyes and how tall they would be. Adam and Eve passed down their sin and all the consequences to their children. It didn’t take long for the effect of sin to be seen in the lives of their sons, Cain and Abel.

As the two boys made offerings to God, God showed favor to Abel’s sacrifice. The sin in Cain caused him to become furious. God had not responded the way Cain thought or wanted God to respond. God warned Cain not to let the power of sin rule over him, but sin continued to have power over Cain. Just as sin had caused their parents to blame one another in the garden, Cain became jealous of Abel and turned his anger towards his brother. The anger grew until Cain attacked and killed Abel. 

Romans 6:23 says, “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” When sin rules, as it did in Cain, the consequence is death. But God has provided salvation through Jesus. The power of sin has been broken for all who believe in His perfect life, death, and resurrection. When Christ rules, the gift is eternal life! 

Adam and Eve’s sin and its consequences spread to all of their descendants. But God did not forget His promise to send a Rescuer. At just the right time, God would send His Son to save sinners.

Prayer Time

Thank God for your family—parents and siblings, grandparents, uncles and aunts, and cousins. How can you love one another and help each other fight against sin? How is Jesus the true rescuer you need? 

Ask God to help you battle the sin of jealousy or comparing yourself to others. How can comparison lead us to sin? How are we loved and accepted by Jesus’ work instead of our own?

Actively Apply the Scripture

For Fun

Compare baby pictures of each family member. Talk about the way people may resemble others. Remind your kids that the sin of Adam and Eve has been passed on to every generation—including your family—but Jesus’ death and resurrection have made eternal life available to anyone who believes in Him.

To Serve

Explain the concept giving offerings. Allow your kids to participate in however your family gives to your church and invite them to give also. Talk about the offerings of Cain and Abel. Remind your kids that God wants us to give with a cheerful and grateful heart as an act of worship.