Family Bible Time: Sin Entered the World

Unit 2 Session 1

Sin Entered the World

Family Bible Time Connection

Read all or parts of Genesis 3 from your Bible

Talk About Scripture

Did you know that it is against the law for anyone to use a fork to eat fried chicken in Gainesville, Georgia? There is also a law in Arkansas that says alligators cannot be kept in your bathtub! Where are we supposed to keep our alligators then? 

These are real laws, but they’re obviously very silly rules that aren’t necessary. When God gave Adam and Eve the rule not to eat the fruit of one tree, it wasn’t a silly rule though. God gave that rule so that Adam and Eve could continue to enjoy an amazing relationship with Him. 

Even though God had provided everything they needed, Adam and Eve believed the lie that maybe there was something better. So, they ate the fruit and disobeyed God. Instead of finding something better, Adam and Eve lost the perfect world God had created for them. They were cast out of the garden and forced to live in a world broken by sin.  

When Adam and Eve broke that rule, sin broke their relationship with God. From that moment on, all people became sinners who are separated from God. We live in a world that is noticeably broken by sin. Like Adam and Eve, we are guilty of choosing our own way instead of God’s way.

But God still loves us! The whole Bible points us to Jesus as the promised Savior who would save sinners. Through faith in Jesus, we can once again have an amazing relationship with God that will last forever and ever.

Ever since Adam and Eve sinned, all people have been born as sinners. Sin separates us from God, but God still loves us. God promised a Rescuer would come from Eve’s family. God sent His Son, Jesus, to rescue people from sin and bring them back to God.


Prayer Time

Ask God to help you obey His Word today. Why are His rules for your good? How does obedience help you to enjoy Him more?

Confess the sins of your day. Be specific and ask God to forgive the ways you’ve disobeyed Him. How has Jesus provided forgiveness for sin? How can confessing our sins help us to grow?

Actively Apply the Scripture

For Fun

Make a small bowl of ice cream for each person. Instead of sprinkles and chocolate syrup, top your bowl of ice cream with dirt and dish detergent. Ask if your kids would still want to eat the ice cream. Discuss how the ruined ice cream reminds us that God’s perfect creation was broken by sin. Even before the garden, God had a plan to make His creation new again through Jesus Christ.  Prepare a new bowl of ice cream and enjoy it with your family.

Supplies: ice cream, good toppings, bad toppings

To Serve

Choose a friend or family member in need of prayer. Send an encouraging card or gift to let them know your family is praying for them. Remind your kids that we live in a world broken by sin—which is why we see pain, sickness, and even death all around us—but God has provided hope in Jesus as the promised Savior. 

Supplies: card or small gift