Live fearLESS

November 26, 2017 | Kyle Brenon | Matthew 28:1-10 & Isaiah 43:1

Community Group Questions

Today we conclude our series by looking at two passages. 1st, Matthew 28: 1-10, where we are given a picture of how the resurrection seals the victory, and is the ultimate reason we are able to live without fear. 2nd, we look at Romans 8:26-32 which gives us a look at the the theology
behind it all, seeing that those of us who have placed our faith in Christ have been set apart, called according to His purpose, declared righteous in His sight and will be raised up on the last day. So we can say with confidence "if God is for us who can be against us." 

Read: Mark 14:44-52, Matthew 28: 1-10, Romans 8:26-32


l.  Put yourself in the shoes of the disciples the night Jesus was arrested. How might you have responded when the chief priest and the temple guards came to arrest Jesus? And what might you have done? 

2. Now, put yourselves in the shoes of Mary Magdalene the morning of the resurrection. What might your reaction had been upon learning that Jesus had risen?

3. Romans 8:26-32 gives us a tremendous amount of comfort, making it clear that those in Christ have been set apart, called according to His purpose, declared righteous and will be raised up on the last day!

In what ways can this encourage us to follow Christ fearLESSLY?

4. Is there anything you can think of that God may be calling YOU to do that you have been hesitant to say yes to? Something that just seems too scary?

What have you learned this week, or throughout this series that could help you say yes to what God is calling you to do? 

Memorize/Meditate: God says to His people in Isaiah 43:l "Fear not, for I have redeemed you: I have called you by name, you are mine." 
