Faith That Works: A Journey Through James - Part 5

March 4, 2018 | Craig Clendinen, Missionary with WyCliffe Bible Translators | James 5:7-20

Community Group Questions

This week we continue with our sermon series “Faith that Works” as we journey through the Book of James. In James Chapter 5:7-20 we are shown how God uses patient suffering to transform a believer and strengthen our faith.

Craig Clendinen, missionary with Wycliffe Bible Translators, and now serving in some of the most unreached people groups in Asia, will link how these verses relate to the work of Wycliffe throughout the world.

One of God’s Greatest Tools for Growing a Believer’s Faith: Patience in Suffering                         (James 5:7-20) 

1. There is _______________   _______________ in our patient suffering.  (James 5:7-11)

Trust strengthens our perseverance during suffering. 

Proverbs 3:5

Matthew 6:26

2. Patient suffering has _______________ within the journey.  (James 5:11)                  

3. _______________ and _______________ prayer is our fuel for perseverance during suffering. (James 5:13-16)

4. You Want to Be More Like Jesus Christ – then _______________

_______________ like he did while on earth. (Matthew 16:24)

