Family Bible Time: Letters to the Seven Churches

Unit 36 Session 2

Letters to the Seven Churches

Family Bible Time Connection

Read all or parts of Revelation 2–3 from your Bible

Talk About Scripture

Love is more caught than taught. We learn to love some things by catching that love from someone else who loves them. If we love a sports team, love a certain flavor of ice cream, or love a specific genre of music, it’s likely because someone we love—a parent or friend—loved those things first. 

As we read through the Book of Revelation, we see just how much Jesus loves the church. The seven local churches were not loving others as they should, sometimes followed false teaching, and often forgot their commitment to Jesus. But Jesus showed His love for the church by urging them to stop sinning and encouraging them to continue following Him. Jesus wanted to see these churches continue in the work of sharing the gospel throughout the world. 

If Jesus loves the church so much, we should catch that love from Him and also love the church. We can love the church and pray for the church to remain faithful to Jesus. Jesus calls us to be a part of a local church and to support the work of the church until the whole world hears the good news about Jesus!

Jesus loves the church. His message to seven local churches called them to turn away from their sin and remain faithful to Him. Through the church, Jesus helps believers work together to do God’s plan.

Prayer Time

Jesus urged the church in Ephesus to love Him again like when they first believed. Ask God to help you love Him and love others better. Did we do anything to earn God’s love? How does God’s undeserved love toward you help you love others? 

Jesus told the church in Philadelphia to be ready and keep believing because He is coming soon. Praise Jesus for the promise that He will return soon and will make all things new. What does it look like to stay faithful to Jesus until He returns?

Actively Apply the Scripture

For Fun

Use toy building bricks or blocks to build a castle. Work together as a family to make the castle as large and elaborate as possible. As you work, talk with your kids about how the people of the church work together to tell others about Jesus. Remind your kids of how much Jesus loves the church and how He is using it to build His kingdom.

Supplies: Legos, blocks, or other building supplies

To Serve

Take the family on a prayer walk around your church campus. As you walk, invite your kids to pray in specific ways for the church. For example, pray for the pastors, the members of the church, the people the church is trying to reach, and the church to remain faithful to Jesus.