Acts 16: Week of 1/15

January’s memory verse:

“...they should seek God, and perhaps feel their way toward him and find him. Yet he is actually not far from each one of us, for ‘In him, we live and move and have our being’; as even some of your own poets have said, ‘For we are indeed his offspring.’ '” — Acts 17:27-28

Acts Chapter 16:

Here we go again! Seriously, I can't make these things up. This chapter is full of excitement, evidence of the Holy Spirit moving, determination, and courage. Read it with an open heart, asking the Holy Spirit to increase your faith and destroy your disbelief. Packed into this chapter, we see Paul forbidden by the Holy Spirit to travel where he wanted to go, visions, casting out spirits, beatings, jail time, earthquakes, and many converts to the faith! At the beginning of the chapter, we see the determination of a Greek named Timothy. He chooses circumcision instead of being a stumbling block to the Jews and a hindrance to the message of the gospel as well as the decisions that were made at the Council of Jerusalem (Chapter 15).

The big questions I think we should all be asking ourselves as we read this chapter in awe are:

  • Are we circumcising our own desires and serving the Lord with pure hearts?

  • What are we doing today (or what are we NOT doing) that is hindering the spread of the Gospel?

Here are a few application questions from this chapter to ponder this week:

  • In chapter 15, we read that the council ruled believers did not need to be circumcised. Why then did Paul have Timothy circumcised? How did this action impact the ministry?

  • The Holy Spirit prevented them from teaching the word in the province of Asia and in Bithynia. Why was that, and what was Paul's response? Consider a time when the Holy Spirit led you or prevented you from doing what you desired. Did you respond like Paul?

  • We see two different accounts of a woman and a man’s salvation, followed by their hospitality. Compare and contrast Lydia’s story with that of the jailer. Why do you think that their households are mentioned in both stories?

If you need a quick synopsis of the events in the previous chapter, keep scrolling.

Summary of chapter 15:

  • Chapter 15 is a significant chapter in the book of Acts, specifically in regard to the narrative of the Gentiles—including most of us!

  • The question was laid out on the table: Unless you are circumcised according to the covenant of Moses, can you be saved

  • The church in Jerusalem, apostles, elders, and some believers who were among the party of the Pharisees debated the question

  • Peter speaks up and very plainly declares, again, God, who knows the heart, bore witness to everyone who believes and has been given the Holy Spirit, and he has cleansed their hearts BY FAITH, not by circumcision or any other ritual

  • Peter asks also, why are we putting a "yoke" of rules in place that our fathers couldn't keep and we can't even keep

  • Confirmation that the Gentiles should not be troubled in regards to their salvation through the signs and wonders that God has done as well as the words of the prophets and the testimonies of His grace

  • A letter is written to the Gentiles, encouraging them in their faith and giving them specific requirements that address the common temptations of their day of idol worshiping and sexual immorality, not circumcision

  • Paul desires to return to every city he has already visited in order to see how they are growing. Barnabas wants to take John Mark, but Paul disagrees and Paul and Silas begin the Second Missionary Journey.

This Year’s Memory Verse

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. “

Acts 1:8