A Look in the Mirror: God's People

June 18, 2017 | Tom Swanson | 1 Peter 2:9-10

Getting Acquainted

1) Perhaps we could all answer this question in a variety of ways, but pick one: Who are your people? Who do you identify with so closely that it only takes a few words to bring back a flood of memories or shared perspectives? What is it that makes you so close to each other?

Getting into the Bible

2) Titus 2:14 and 1 Peter 2:9 refer to the Church as a people for his (God’s) own possession. The phrase has a history that goes back at least to the time of Moses. Read Exodus 19:1-6, Deuteronomy 7:6-8, Deuteronomy 26:16-19 and Psalm 135:1-7 where this phrase also occurs. What do you see about God in these verses? What do you see here about God’s motivation for his choice of Israel and the Church? What are the expectations that he has for the people who are his treasured possession?

3) One of the big discussion points for those who read the Bible and take it seriously concerns what God does and what we do in regard to our salvation and subsequent growth in Christian maturity. Titus 2:11-14 is a good passage to look at in this regard. Read the passage carefully and take note of what is written (maybe even draw a group chart?). What does God do? What do we do? Who takes the initiative in action? Who is lifted up or gets credit in the passage? 

Working it out in Life

4) Was there something in particular from last week’s sermon on being God’s People that you would like to talk about as a group?

5) We talked this past week from Titus 2:11-14 about our identity and from 1 Peter 2:9-10 about our purpose. Both of those issues are to be informed by the fact that as believers we are a people for God’s own possession. Which of those two issues (identity or purpose) has proved to be the most problematic for you? Where do you tend to get off track most easily?

6) Along the same line as the question above, what could be the result if a person loses sight of their identity in relationship to Christ? Where then might their identity be found? What happens if a person loses sight of their purpose in relationship to Christ? Where then might their purpose be found?  

Digging Deeper

7) In 1 Peter 2:5 we saw that one of our life purposes given to us by God is that we worship him. What does that mean to you? What part does personal or corporate worship play in your life? Can you see ways in which you want to grow in this area?

8) In 1 Peter 2:9 we also saw that one of the life purposes given to us by God is that we proclaim the excellencies of the one who called us out of darkness. What does that mean to you? How might you proclaim/declare/celebrate the goodness of God to others? What might hold you back from doing this?

Series title: A Look in the Mirror

Message 1: June 18, 2017

Message title: God’s People

Message Scripture: 1 Peter 2:9-10

Message summary: Who are your people? You might answer by talking about your extended family or perhaps you’d mention kindred spirits from work or a club. The question raises the issue of identity (who am I?) and perhaps even the idea of purpose (what do I do?). Did you know that God has people as well? He does, and he refers to his people as the Church. In the Church those same questions find an answer. In the Church we discover both our identity and our purpose.


1) People who belong to God

2) Have a clear identity   Titus 2:11-14

3) Have a clear purpose   1 Peter 2:9-10