Family Bible Time: God Keeps His Promises (Christmas)

Unit 4 Session 4

God Controls Everything

Family Bible Time Connection

Read all or parts of Isaiah 9 from your Bible

Talk About Scripture

n 1969, the Baltimore Colts were highly favored to win Super Bowl III over the New York Jets. Even though his team was the underdog, Jets quarterback Joe Namath guaranteed that his team would win the Super Bowl. It was a bold promise to make, but the Jets did in fact defeat the Colts by a score of 16-7. Joe Namath became famously known as Broadway Joe—the quarterback who made a guarantee and then delivered.

As we read the Bible, we see that God is a promise maker. Even in the garden where Adam and Eve chose to sin and ruined their relationship with their Creator, God guaranteed that a Rescuer would come to battle the serpent and ultimately defeat sin.
Throughout the Old Testament, God continued to remind His people about the promise of a Savior. The prophet Isaiah spoke about a Messiah to be born of a virgin and a king coming from the family of David. Isaiah spoke of how the Messiah would suffer, but also how his suffering would bring peace. For those waiting on a Messiah, Isaiah was giving hope that God would soon deliver on His promise.

Hundreds of years later, Jesus was born of a virgin, born into the family of David, and suffered on the cross to bring peace between God and all who believe. Jesus was the fulfillment of all Isaiah’s prophecies, and He is the fulfillment of God’s promise to send a rescuer. Not only is God a promise maker, but He is also a promise keeper. When God makes a guarantee, we can always trust that He will deliver.

God keeps His promises. He remembered His promise to send a Rescuer and sent His Son, Jesus, into the world as a baby. Jesus grew up and provided salvation for sinners by dying on the cross and rising from the dead.

Prayer Time

Praise God for His faithfulness. God will always keep His promises. He cannot lie, so we know He will always do what He said He would do. How does God’s faithfulness help your faith to grow?

Thank God for sending Jesus as the answer to His greatest promise. God has kept His first and greatest promise. How does this help you to trust Him more?

Actively Apply the Scripture

For Fun

Purchase a small step stool from a hardware store and gather a variety of art supplies. As a family, read Psalm 145:13 and 2 Corinthians 1:20. Discuss how God is faithful in everything He says and does. Remind your kids that Jesus is the fulfillment of God’s greatest promise. Use the art supplies to write these verses on the step stool. Remind your kids that we can always stand on the promises of God because they will never fail.

Supplies: small step stool, art supplies

To Serve

Invite a widow or elderly couple into your home for dinner. Help your kids think of ways to make them feel like honored guests. After dinner, ask your guests to share how they have seen God’s faithfulness in their lives. Consider writing their stories in a notebook to give to your guests as a reminder of God’s faithfulness and to help them continue sharing their stories with others.

Supplies: notebook