Family Bible Time: God Called Moses

Unit 4 Session 1

God Called Moses

Family Bible Time Connection

Read all or parts of Exodus 1-4 from your Bible

Talk About Scripture

In 1939, DC Comics introduced a character that would become quite famous: Batman. Batman fought crime and enforced justice for the people of Gotham City. Whenever the peace of Gotham was disturbed by criminals, the bat signal would light up the night sky, calling for Batman to come to the rescue. 

As we open the Book of Exodus, we see God speaking to Moses—not through a bat signal but through a burning bush that never burned up. Why would God use such a dramatic sign to get Moses’ attention? Because He was calling Moses to something amazing and possibly frightening: to rescue His people from slavery in Egypt. 

In Exodus 3:10, God said to Moses, “Therefore, go. I am sending you to Pharaoh so that you may lead my people, the Israelites, out of Egypt.” God promised to be with Moses and to supply the power he needed to free the Israelites. 

God saved Moses’ life and called him to rescue God’s people from slavery. The calling of Moses points to a greater calling and rescue—the call of Jesus to come to earth to save God’s people. Jesus gave up His life to save us from slavery to sin. 

We all love a good rescue story like the ones from comic books, but the story of Jesus’ rescue for sinners is 100% true and even more amazing!

Prayer Time

Ask God to help you to be obedient to whatever He calls you to do. Why could Moses trust God and obey the mission He gave him? How can we trust God when He calls us to be a part of His mission?

Thank God for loving us enough to speak to us. Ask God for help to listen when He speaks through His Word, through other believers, and through the Holy Spirit. How does God’s Word call us to be a part of His mission?

Actively Apply the Scripture

For Fun

Challenge a family member to attempt walking through the house blindfolded. While he walks, ask another family member to use her voice to guide the blindfolded family member through the house. Let every family member take a turn in each role. After the activity, discuss how God called Moses and promised to be with him wherever he went.

To Serve

Volunteer to rake leaves for neighbors or church members who are unable to do the work themselves. As your family serves together, discuss how God used Moses to free the Israelites from slavery in Egypt. Remind kids that helping others do what they cannot do for themselves is a great reminder of how Jesus came to rescue us from sin—something we could never do for ourselves.