Family Bible Time: Jesus Will Return

Unit 36 Session 4

Jesus Will Return

Family Bible Time Connection

Read all or parts of Revelation 19–22 from your Bible

Talk About Scripture

Men and women of the military are often deployed to cities or countries far away from home. While they’re away, their families and friends must wait for the day when they return. There’s nothing sweeter than the pictures and videos of when soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines return home to be reunited with their families. 

The final pages of the Bible are filled with hope about the day when we will be reunited with Jesus. In his vision, John saw Jesus who said, “I am coming soon!” John saw the new heaven and new earth where believers will spend eternity with Jesus. In this place, there will be no more pain, no more crying, and no more death. Jesus will make all the wrong things right, and He will make everything new. 

The world eagerly awaits the day when Jesus returns. As we wait, we can hold onto the promise that He is coming soon. We will soon be reunited with Him. We will see Him face-to-face, and we will worship Him forever. In the meantime, we continue to tell others the good news about Jesus and pray that Jesus comes quickly.

Jesus promised to come back to earth soon. When Jesus returns, those who trust in Jesus will be with Him and enjoy Him forever. God will undo every bad thing caused by sin—no more death, no more pain, no more tears. Jesus is making all things new.

Prayer Time

Thank God for giving us a glimpse of the new heaven and new earth. How does it feel to think about a place with no crying, no pain, and no more death?

Ask God to help us share the gospel with those who He wants to save. Jesus is coming soon, which makes it even more important for us to tell others the good news about Jesus. Who do you know who needs to hear the good news of Jesus?

Actively Apply the Scripture

For Fun

Purchase wooden letters from a craft store or cut letters from cardboard to spell “FAITHFUL AND TRUE.” Give your kids paints, permanent markers, and other supplies to decorate each letter. Assemble the letters on a sheet of craft plywood and hang the artwork in your home as a reminder that the promises of Jesus are faithful and true.

Supplies: sheet of craft plywood, wooden letters, paints, markers, decoration supplies

To Serve

Bake round sugar cookies for your neighbors and some for your family. Use icing and edible food markers to make the cookies look like clocks. As you enjoy the cookies, talk with your kids about the promise that Jesus is coming soon. Discuss the other promises about the new heaven and new earth found in Revelation 21. Deliver the cookies to your neighbors and explain why they are decorated like clocks.

Supplies: sugar cookies, icing, edible food markers