Family Bible Time: Before the Throne

Unit 36 Session 3

Before the Throne

Family Bible Time Connection

Read all or parts of Revelation 4–5 from your Bible

Talk About Scripture

What’s your favorite song to sing at church? We love singing at church because it’s such a great way to express our praise to Jesus. It’s even better than singing alone because we get to hear others as they lift their voices with us to worship Jesus. Our worship at church is just a small taste of what heaven will be like. 

In the Book of Revelation, John saw a vision of Jesus seated on His heavenly throne. All the living creatures were gathered around to praise Jesus. They all bowed before Jesus to honor Him as King, and they said, “Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God, the Almighty”. 

Can you imagine praising Jesus as He sits on His throne in heaven? One day, all believers will gather around the throne of Jesus to give Him the praise, honor, and glory that He deserves. Because Jesus is worthy of our worship, we can sing to Him now and look forward to praising Him forever and ever!  

John cried when he saw that no one was worthy to open the scroll. Then John saw the resurrected Lamb—God’s Son, Jesus. Jesus was killed on the cross so that we could have forgiveness and eternal life. Jesus is worthy. He deserves all praise, honor, and blessing.

Prayer Time

Praise Jesus for being the only One worthy of our worship! What are some of the ways we can worship Jesus? Why is He the only One worthy of our worship?

Thank God for the opportunity to worship Jesus through singing. Beyond Sunday, what are some other times your family can worship through singing?  

Actively Apply the Scripture

For Fun

Write a poem or song to express your praise to Jesus. Ask your kids to say or write down what they would say if they were speaking to Jesus. Use the phrases to construct lyrics for your family’s worship song. If your family is musical, put a tune with the lyrics. 

To Serve

Write a thank-you note to the worship pastor of your church. Thank him for leading your family in worship through singing. Ask if there are any ways your family can serve or support the worship ministry of the church. 

Supplies: thank you note or card, writing utensils