Family Bible Time: John's Vision of Jesus

Unit 36 Session 1

John’s Vision of Jesus

Family Bible Time Connection

Read all or parts of Revelation 1 from your Bible

Talk About Scripture

In the 1960s, The Jetsons cartoon premiered on ABC. The show guessed what life might be like in the year 2062. The Jetson family enjoyed their futuristic lives while living in an apartment in the sky, traveling in flying cars, and letting robots do most of the household chores. The cartoon was funny, but we’re still waiting on those flying cars in real life.

The Jetsons show was popular because everyone is curious to know what life will be like in the future. The real answer is found in the last book of the Bible: Revelation. When John was on the island of Patmos, Jesus appeared to him in a vision and told John to write down everything he saw. John was to send the message to seven churches and encourage them to continue sharing the light of Jesus in dark places. 

The Book of Revelation shows us a future where Jesus is King, ruling over all creation perfectly. But even today, Jesus is our King and worthy of glory, honor, and worship. Every believer can enjoy knowing Jesus today and also look forward to a future of being with Him forever and ever. 

Jesus showed Himself to John and explained that He is the First and the Last, the Living One. While Jesus was on earth, He defeated sin and death by dying on the cross and coming back to life. Now Jesus is lifted up in glory and honor forever and ever.Memorize the Scripture


Prayer Time

Jesus is the First and the Last, which means He was, is, and will always be King. Praise Jesus for being the eternal King who reigns over everything. How can you show others that Jesus is King over your life now? 

Pray for the church and church leaders. Ask God to continue to use churches all over the world as lights that point people to Jesus. What are some of the ways that churches show Jesus to the world?

Actively Apply the Scripture

For Fun

Allow your kids to draw inventions that they hope exist in the future. It could be a futuristic gaming system, or it could be a robot that makes scrambled eggs for you every morning. Have your kids explain their inventions to the family. Talk about how the Book of Revelation tells us about Jesus as Eternal King is the greatest news about the future. 

Supplies: paper, pencils, crayons

To Serve

Visit the North American Mission Board webpage ( or another missions site to pray for church planters in your state. Subscribe to be a prayer partner for these church planters. As a family, take time to pray that God would use their work to help people put their faith in Jesus and receive the gift of eternal life with Him.