Family Bible Time: Defending the Faith

Unit 35 Session 5

Defending the Faith

Family Bible Time Connection

Read all or parts of Jude from your Bible

Talk About Scripture

For hundreds of years, tricksters have used the “shell game” to frustrate participants and take their money. In the game, three shells are placed on the table and a small pea is placed under one of the shells. The trickster shuffles the shells as the audience tries to keep their eyes on the correct shell. The trick is that often, the person shuffling the shells will remove the pea without anyone noticing so that all three shells are empty. But even if the shell game is done fair-and-square, the fast shuffling makes all the shells look the same, which causes people to make the wrong choice and lose their money.

As the early church grew, there were false teachers who were like tricksters trying to distract believers from the truth about Jesus. Jude wrote a letter to believers and encouraged them to keep their eyes on the truth about Jesus. Jude urged the believers to stand up for what is right so that other believers could be protected from these false teachers. 

Sadly, there are still false teachers trying to confuse and distract the church from following Jesus. Every believer must spend time studying the Bible to know what is true so we don’t fall for any trick. We can ask the Holy Spirit to give us wisdom and power to stand up for what is right.

Jude warned the early Christians that some people would try to divide them by sinning and by teaching things that weren’t true. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life—the One who protects His people from sin. Because of Jesus, we will be able to stand before God with joy.

Memorize the Scripture

Prayer Time

Thank God for giving us the Bible to help us know what is true. How can studying God’s Word help us know Him better? How does knowing God help us trust in His promises?

Use the words Jude wrote at the end of his letter to praise God for His glory, majesty, power, and authority. How is God majestic and powerful? How can we give God the glory He deserves?

Actively Apply the Scripture

For Fun

Have your kids write a letter to a friend to share what they’ve learned recently at church. Explain that Jude wrote a letter to remind other believers of the truth and to encourage them in their faith. Pray for the letter’s recipient and ask God to help them grow in their faith. 

To Serve

Help your kids make a list of true statements about who Jesus is and what He has done for us. Examples include “Jesus is Lord,” “Jesus loves you,” and “Jesus has the power to save.” Write the statements on index cards and hang them on a bulletin board or poster board in your home. Add statements throughout the week as a reminder for your family to stand up for what is true.

Supplies: index cards, bulletin board or poster board, tape or thumbtacks, writing utensils