Family Bible Time: Children of God

Unit 35 Session 4

Children of God

Family Bible Time Connection

Read all or parts of 1 John 2–3 from your Bible

Talk About Scripture

Parents love to teach their babies new skills like clapping their hands, waving bye-bye, or blowing kisses. Moms and Dads will do these things over and over hoping that their babies will imitate their actions. It’s such a proud moment when babies finally try to be like their parents!

First, John tells us that the most important action for a follower of Jesus is to love. John said that others will know believers are truly children of God by the way they show love to one another. Believers can know this kind of love because Jesus showed it over and over again. Every miracle, every healing, and ultimately Jesus’ death on the cross all showed the great love of God and how much He wants to save sinners through Jesus. 

Jesus showed us God’s love by what He did on the cross. We can show our love for Him by what we do to love and serve others. Like children who imitate their parents, we can honor God by loving one another the way Jesus first loved us.

John wrote a letter to teach believers in the church—the children of God—about the importance of showing love. Love is more than feelings or words; it is an action. Jesus showed God’s love for us when He died on the cross to rescue people from sin.

Memorize the Scripture

Prayer Time

Thank God for the people who regularly show you love. Make a list of their names to remember how God has shown you love through family and friends. How does the love of others remind us of the love Jesus has shown us?

Ask God to help you understand the true definition of love. Why is love more than a feeling? How did Jesus show us what true love looks like?

Actively Apply the Scripture

For Fun

Look through baby photos or videos of each family member. Share fun stories or memorable moments from each child’s life. Talk with your kids about what it means to be children of God and how we are called to love others as Jesus loves us.

Supplies: baby photos or videos.

To Serve

Cut out heart shapes and leave them in a stack on the kitchen table. Prompt each family member to use the hearts to express what they love about other members of the family. Invite them to write a note and leave the hearts in an easy-to-find location (e.g. taped to the bathroom mirror, on the refrigerator, in the car).

Supplies: paper heart cutouts, writing utensils, tape