Family Bible Time: Brothers in Christ

Unit 35 Session 3

Brothers in Christ

Family Bible Time Connection

Read all or parts of Philemon from your Bible

Talk About Scripture

In 2013, a generous customer in the drive-thru paid for his coffee and the coffee of the next customer behind him in line. This act of kindness sparked a pay-it-forward movement that lasted the next five days. In total, 1,468 consecutive customers paid for the person behind them in line.

While Paul was in prison, he also had a pay-it-forward moment. A runaway servant named Onesimus heard the gospel from Paul and believed in Jesus. Paul wrote a letter to Philemon, the servant’s master, and offered to pay back any debt Onesimus might have owed. This act of kindness would ensure that Philemon treated Onesimus with love and kindness for years to come.

The story of Onesimus seems very insignificant compared to all the other stories of the Bible, but his story reminds us of the great love Jesus has shown to sinners. Just as Paul offered to pay the servant’s debt, Jesus came to pay the debt for our sin by dying on the cross. When we believe in Him, we receive forgiveness and a restored relationship with God the Father. That’s the ultimate pay-it-forward movement!

Paul encouraged Philemon to treat Onesimus as a brother in Christ. Paul offered to pay any of Onesimus’ debt to make peace between him and Philemon. In this way, Paul acted like Jesus, who makes peace between God and man. Jesus took the punishment we deserve for our sins, paying our debt so that we can be forgiven and welcomed by God.

Memorize the Scripture

Prayer Time

Thank God for the Christian friends He has provided in your life. How does friendship with brothers and sisters in Christ help you follow Him?

Take time to forgive someone who has upset or wronged you recently. Ask God to help you show the person love and forgiveness like Jesus has shown us love and forgiveness.

Actively Apply the Scripture

For Fun

Contact friends who live in a different town. If possible, plan a visit to see them or schedule a video call with them this week to catch up. Have your kids tell them the story of Onesimus and how his visit to Paul helped spread the gospel. Thank the person for sharing a friendship with you like the friendship between Paul and Onesimus. 

To Serve

Pay for another customer’s coffee or meal this week. Ask the employee to let the other customer know that Jesus loves them. Talk with your kids about the way Paul offered to pay the debt of Onesimus. Remind kids that even when we did not deserve it, Jesus came to pay the price for our sin and give us a relationship with God.