Family Bible Time: Paul's Shipwreck

Unit 35 Session 2

Paul’s Shipwreck

Family Bible Time Connection

Read all or parts of Acts 27–28 from your Bible

Talk About Scripture

The hardships in Paul’s life continued to grow. After visiting Jerusalem, Paul was thrown in prison. But even through all of the struggles, Paul continued to trust that God was in control. Just when you’d think it couldn’t get any worse, the ship transporting Paul to Rome was caught in a major storm.

As the sailors panicked, Paul did not. An angel had told Paul that God would protect him and save everyone on the boat. Paul believed the message and trusted in God. The ship was ripped apart by the wind and waves, but everyone made it safely to shore just as God had promised. 

Paul continued to use his life to tell others about Jesus. His faith in God encouraged others to trust in Him. When we trust God to be with us in our struggles, our faith can help others to know Jesus and trust in Him. 

Paul trusted God to keep His promise to rescue him from the storm. He encouraged the sailors to trust and obey God too. God calls us to trust in His Son, Jesus, who died to rescue us from sin and death, and to tell others this good news.

Memorize the Scripture

Prayer Time

Praise God for being sovereign and good. How does it feel to know that God is always in control and that He cares for you?

Ask God to remind you of His presence when you go through hard times. How does knowing God is near help in hard times?

Actively Apply the Scripture

For Fun

Invite each family member to create a boat from aluminum foil or heavyweight paper. Fill a large bucket with water to see which boats float. Talk about how scary Paul’s shipwreck must have been. Remind your kids that Paul trusted God because he knew God always keeps His promises.

Supplies: aluminum foil, heavyweight paper, large bucket

To Serve

Research the land and people of Malta where Paul and the others survived the shipwreck. Pray specifically for the people and refugees in Malta.