Family Bible Time: Paul Before Rulers

Unit 35 Session 1

Paul Before Rulers

Family Bible Time Connection

Read all or parts of Acts 24–26 from your Bible

Talk About Scripture

Mommy….Mommy….MOMMY! Have you ever heard a small child who wants to tell a parent something? Even if the parent is busy, the child will continue to shout her name until she gives him the attention he wants. The child thinks whatever he has to say is the most important thing in the world, and he will do anything to get his mother to listen. 

Paul wasn’t shouting for his mommy, but he was continuously shouting the story of how Jesus had saved his life. Paul knew that this was the most important news anyone could hear, so he wanted everyone to listen. God gave Paul the opportunity to share the good news about Jesus with governors and kings. Even when the people tried to stop him, Paul was faithful to tell people about Jesus. 

Every follower of Jesus has a great story to tell. Like Paul sharing how Jesus had saved him on the road to Damascus, every believer can use her testimony to tell others about Jesus. Jesus has the power to save, and that’s a story worth sharing! 

God had chosen Paul to take the gospel to Gentiles, kings, and the Israelites. (Acts 9:15-16) Paul met with people again and again to tell the good news about Jesus. He wanted everyone to believe that Jesus is Lord. Because Jesus has the power to save people from sin, Paul was willing to do whatever it took to share the gospel.

Memorize the Scripture


Prayer Time

Thank God for the people who help you know more about Jesus. Who are the people sharing the good news about Jesus with you? Why is this message worth sharing?

Ask God to provide opportunities for you to tell someone about Jesus this week. Who needs to hear about Jesus? How can you start a conversation that helps them know Jesus better?

Actively Apply the Scripture

For Fun

Encourage each family member to write a short story about what life would be like if you moved to the moon. If your family has younger kids, work with them to write their ideas into your story. Ask each family member to read his story to the rest of the family. After, discuss how Paul used his story of life-change to help others hear about Jesus. 

To Serve

Take time to pray for local and national government leaders. Mail an encouraging card to their offices letting them know your family has prayed for them and the work that they’re doing. 

Supplies: blank cards, envelopes, writing utensils