Family Bible Time: Running the Race

Unit 34 Session 4

Running the Race

Family Bible Time Connection

Read all or parts of Philippians 3 from your Bible

Talk About Scripture

Every year, more than 30,000 runners compete in the Boston Marathon. These runners spend countless hours training and preparing their bodies for the 26.2 mile course. For many of them, the goal is not to have the fastest time and win the race. The reward they seek is to simply have enough endurance to finish the race.

In his letter to the church at Philippi, Paul reminded the church to run after the goal of knowing Jesus. Like a marathon runner who wants to finish the race, Paul encouraged believers to keep their eyes on the goal of knowing Jesus. Everything that Paul had counted as important or valuable in his life was nothing compared to this reward of a relationship with Jesus—now and forever. Paul endured a life of hardships, pain, and persecution because he knew the greatest prize was waiting on him in the end—eternity with Jesus.

Paul encouraged the Philippians and all of us to follow his example of knowing Jesus. When we come to know Jesus—which means trusting in who He is and in what He has done to save us—we receive the salvation He promised. But Paul reminded us that we will one day know Jesus in an even greater way as we spend eternity with Him. That is the prize we run toward.

Following Jesus is like running a race for a wonderful prize. We remember that Jesus never sinned but He endured the cross so we can have forgiveness of our sins. We press on to fully know Jesus and share in His victory for eternity.

Memorize the Scripture


Prayer Time Ideas

Praise Jesus for who He is and what He has done. Give thanks for specific attributes of His character or for specific things you see Him do in Scripture that help us to know Him. What does it mean to know Jesus? How can we get to know Him better?

Ask God to give you strength and endurance to follow Jesus. Ask for His help in obeying His commands in the Bible. How is following Jesus like running a marathon? What is the reward that God has for us at the end of the race?

Actively Apply the Scripture

For Fun

Set aside time this week for a Family Fun Run. Choose a distance that is achievable, but challenging, for the entire family. After the race, award prizes to all participants. Talk with your kids about how the Christian life is like an endurance race and how the prize is knowing Jesus as we spend eternity with Him.

To Serve

Visit a running trail or park to hand out bottled water or sports drinks. Whenever possible, be intentional about starting conversations with people you meet. As a family, pray for the people you encounter and ask God to help them know Jesus. 

Supplies: bottled water, sports drinks