Family Bible Time: Together in Jesus

Unit 34 Session 3

Together in Jesus

Family Bible Time Connection

Read all or parts of Ephesians 2:17–3:13 from your Bible

Talk About Scripture

The movie Remember the Titans is based on the true story of Coach Herman Boone and the T.C. Williams High School football team. In 1971, the team was integrated, meaning both white and African American players could join the team. But differences among the players caused fights and almost broke apart the team. In the end, the team finally united to win the state championship game.

Much like the T.C. Williams football team, the Christians in Ephesus let differences keep them from working together. The church was made up of Jews and Gentiles. While these two groups didn’t previously get along with one another, Paul wrote to remind them how the good news of Jesus made them all part of one family. Paul urged both the Jews and Gentiles to remember that they were sinners without hope until they believed in Jesus. Through faith in Him, different people come together to work as one body to share Jesus with others.  

The gospel brings together all people who have faith in Jesus. God’s salvation is a gift of grace, not something we can earn with good works. Forgiven sinners come together as the church to obey God and do His work in the world. 

Memorize the Scripture


Prayer Time Ideas

Pray for the members of your church. Ask God to keep or make your church united. How does working together help us accomplish more? How does church unity help others see the power of Jesus’ love? 

Thank God for the differences and unique characteristics He has given to people. Ask God to use those differences to strengthen His church. How can our differences help us reach more people with the good news about Jesus?

Actively Apply the Scripture

For Fun

Use magazines, newspapers, or Internet images to make a collage of people. Work as a family to arrange the pictures on the collage and talk about the differences between individuals. Discuss how every person needs the forgiveness and love that only comes from Jesus. Explain to your kids that faith in Jesus unites believers—no matter where they come from or what they look like—as one church called to share the good news of Jesus with the world. 

Supplies: magazines, newspapers, or Internet images; glue; poster board

To Serve

Ask your church for a list of maintenance or beautification projects that need to be completed. Schedule a workday with other families of the church to complete these tasks. Talk with the families about how God uses every member of the church—despite their differences—to accomplish His mission of sharing Jesus with others.