Family Bible Time: Paul was Arrested

Unit 34 Session 2

Paul was Arrested

Family Bible Time Connection

Read all or parts of Acts 21:37–23 from your Bible

Talk About Scripture

Have you ever tried to put together a 1,000-piece jigsaw puzzle? The puzzle pieces are so small, and they all look alike. The key to finishing the puzzle is to look at the picture on the puzzle box. This picture gives you clues of how all the pieces fit together and what the puzzle will look like when completed. 

Life can be like a jigsaw puzzle. There are a lot of events—good and bad—that happen in our lives, and it can be hard to figure out how God is working all these things together. The stories of Paul’s life help us to see that God always has a plan. Paul trusted in God’s plan, and he continued to be obedient to the work God has called him to do no matter what. 

Just as Paul said in his letter to the Christians in Rome, God is working all things together for His purpose. We can trust that God is faithful. We can work hard to tell others about Jesus and trust that God will use our effort to accomplish His plans. 

Even when others threatened his life, Paul continued to obey Jesus. He believed that God, who showed His love for the world by sending His Son to die on the cross and rise again, would help him through hard times. We too can risk everything to share the gospel with courage because we know that God loves us and will care for us.

Memorize the Scripture


Prayer Time Ideas

Praise God that everything that happens today is part of His plans. How does this truth help you to face whatever the day might bring?

Ask God to give you His peace and to help you understand His plan when life is hard. How can we be reminded that God loves us and cares for us? How can we use the promises God has made to help us in hard times?

Actively Apply the Scripture

For Fun

Work as a family to put together a jigsaw puzzle. Be sure to use the box top for help. As you work on the puzzle this week, talk about how Paul’s life and other stories in Scripture remind us of God’s faithfulness to work all things according to His plans. Discuss ways your family can remind one another that God is with you and will care for you as you share Jesus with others. 

Supplies: jigsaw puzzle

To Serve

Offer to plant flowers or do light yard work for an elderly neighbor. Take time to talk with the neighbor and ask to hear stories from his life. Ask the neighbor to share how he has seen God at work in his life. If the neighbor has never trusted in Jesus, take the opportunity to share the gospel with him. After working, remind your kids that we show love to others because God showed His love to us by sending Jesus.