Family Bible Time: Paul's Third Journey

Unit 34 Session 1

Paul’s Third Journey

Family Bible Time Connection

Read all or parts of Acts 18-21 from your Bible

Talk About Scripture

Brian Quinn is a New York City firefighter and a hero. On September 1, 2020, Brian saved a woman who was trapped inside a burning building. He used a rope to lower himself from the roof, and then pulled the woman to safety through a sixteenth story window! Brian Quinn risked his own life to do his job of saving someone else. Brian is dedicated to the work he is called to do. 

At the end of Paul’s third missionary journey, the Holy Spirit led him to go to Jerusalem. Paul knew that going to Jerusalem meant danger and trouble, but that didn’t stop him. Paul was uncertain of what would happen in Jerusalem, but he trusted in God who had called him to share the good news about Jesus. 

Paul was willing to risk his own life to tell others about Jesus—the One who offers eternal life to all who believe. Jesus has commanded all His followers to continue telling others about Him. When we trust in Jesus, we become part of this mission. We can have courage that God is with us as we work to tell others the good news about Jesus.

As Paul traveled on his third missionary journey, he used every opportunity to tell people the good news about Jesus and to help the church. Paul was dedicated to Jesus, who called him to do the work of sharing the gospel.Memorize the Scripture

Memorize the Scripture


Prayer Time Ideas

Ask God to give you the courage you need for today. How does time with God help us have courage? How can we use that courage to help us share the good news about Jesus?

Thank God for His promise to never leave or forsake you. How does this promise help us face hard times? How can we remind ourselves that God is with us wherever we go?

Actively Apply the Scripture

For Fun

Look up different types of fears and phobias. Some interesting examples are ablutophobia, omphalophobia, and anatidaephobia. Talk with your kids about any fears they have in telling others about Jesus. If possible, share Scriptures or advice on how to have courage to share the gospel.

To Serve

Bake cookies for your local fire or police department. Write a thank you note to the men and women who risk their lives to serve others. Talk with your kids about what it means to have courage. Explain that telling others about Jesus is not always easy, but God gives the courage we need to keep sharing the gospel.

Supplies: Cookies, thank you card