Family Bible Time: Letters to Church Leaders

Unit 32 Session 4

Letters to Church Leaders

Family Bible Time Connection

Read all or parts of 1–2 Timothy and Titus from your Bible

Talk About Scripture

How many times a day do you look in the mirror? Most of us will check our appearance at least once just to make sure we don’t have some of our breakfast stuck in our teeth. A mirror helps us by reminding us what we look like and showing us things that might be out of place, like a chunk of bagel.

As more and more churches sprouted up, Paul wrote letters to encourage young church leaders like Timothy and Titus. Paul told the men to set an example in the way they lived and to be bold in the way they taught. In a way, these leaders were a lot like mirrors who God used to show what a follower of Jesus looks like and to teach others how to live as followers of Jesus.

God has placed leaders in your church to share the good news about Jesus and to teach you what it means to follow Him. They have dedicated their lives to serving others and helping them grow closer to Jesus because they know how much Jesus has done to serve them. As you hear them teach next Sunday, be thankful for the leaders God has provided for your church.

Paul wrote to give Timothy and Titus advice and to help all church leaders know how to lead God’s people. Church leaders help believers know what is true, and they serve the church by following the example of Jesus, who served us by dying on the cross for our sins.

Memorize the Scripture

“Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” -Matthew 28: 19-20

Prayer Time Ideas

Thank God for your pastor, your church staff, and their families. Ask God to be with these leaders as they serve others and teach God’s Word. How can your family be an encouragement to your church leaders?

Ask God to provide church leaders who will plant new churches all around the world. Pray for churches to reach people who have never heard the good news about Jesus.

Actively Apply the Scripture

For Fun

Dress your kids to look like your church’s pastor or one of the staff members. Take a picture and share it on social media or send it to the pastor or staff member along with a note encouraging that person in how they are setting an example for your kids.

To Serve

Bake cookies or a favorite treat to share with your church leaders. Deliver the treats with a note thanking them for all that they do to serve Jesus and your church.

Supplies: baked goods, card