Family Bible Time: The Church Divided

Unit 32 Session 3

The Church Divided

Family Bible Time Connection

Read all or parts of 1 Corinthians 1–6 from your Bible

Talk About Scripture

One of Africa’s most incredible animals is the Cape Buffalo. An interesting fact about Cape Buffalo is how they protect one another when danger threatens the herd. Cape Buffalo will come together to form one large circle. They place the calves and weaker members of the herd inside the circle, and the other members of the herd face outward to fight off whatever predator is coming their way. It’s a great picture of working together to save lives.

When Paul heard about the believers in Corinth arguing with each other, he wrote a letter to give them instructions and encouragement to live as followers of Jesus. Paul urged the people to live as one people who were forgiven and accepted in Christ. Paul reminded them that their hope in Jesus should unite, not divide.

As believers live and work together in unity, the people around can see what it means to worship and follow Jesus. Much like the Cape Buffalo coming together in a circle, all believers can work together to share the message of Jesus, the message that truly saves lives.

Paul told the believers in the Corinthian church to come together because of the gospel. He reminded them that Jesus saves sinners. Because of Jesus and what He has done, believers can humbly come together as one body.

Memorize the Scripture

“Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” -Matthew 28: 19-20

Prayer Time Ideas

Pray for unity in your church. Ask God to help all the believers work together in the mission of making disciples. How does fighting or arguing distract us from sharing Jesus with others? How can our family encourage someone from our church this week?

Ask God to help your family live in light of who Jesus is and what He has done. Pray that your friends, family, and neighbors would know that you follow Jesus by the way that you live. How can our conduct be a light that points others to Jesus?

Actively Apply the Scripture

For Fun

Choose two family members and loosely tie one’s left arm to the other’s right arm. Have them attempt to perform common tasks like making a sandwich, folding clothes, or washing the dog. Talk with your kids about the difficulty of accomplishing these tasks unless the partners work together. All believers should work together to share the good news about Jesus.

To Serve

Write encouraging cards to members of your church. Thank them for the specific ways that they serve the church. Before delivering the cards, ask the Holy Spirit to help the people of your church work together to tell others about Jesus.

Supplies: supplies to make cards, names of church members