Family Bible Time: Paul's First Journey

Unit 32 Session 2

Peter Escapes

Family Bible Time Connection

Read all or parts of Acts 13–14 from your Bible

Talk About Scripture

On April 18, 1775, as British troops prepared to attack the American colonies, Paul Revere took a famous horse ride through the night to alert colonial soldiers in the towns surrounding Boston, Massachusetts. The warnings from Revere and other riders helped to save many lives from the coming danger. Paul Revere became a hero of the Revolutionary War because he willingly risked his life to spread this important news.

Paul Revere had important news, but the Apostle Paul had the greatest news. In the Book of Acts, we see Paul risk his life to share the good news about Jesus with many people throughout many different cities. Paul faced danger and opposition, but he knew God wanted him to share this good news because it truly saves lives.

The mission wasn’t easy, but Paul knew that God had called him to share Jesus with others. As Paul shared the message of the gospel, many people believed in Jesus. God used people to share the good news about Jesus with you, and He wants to use you to share the good news with others.

Many people rejected the good news about Jesus, but God had a plan for Paul to share the gospel with Gentiles, no matter what troubles Paul faced. Many believed in Jesus. The church grew and the gospel spread so that people all over the world could be saved from their sin by trusting in Jesus.

Memorize the Scripture

“Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” -Matthew 28: 19-20

Prayer Time Ideas

Pray for missionaries who are sharing the gospel around the world. Ask God to help them be loving and bold as they tell others about Jesus. How can the work of missionaries encourage us to share the gospel where we live?

Thank God for parents, pastors, and teachers who have taught you about Jesus. How can you express thanks to these people for sharing such good news with you?

Actively Apply the Scripture

For Fun

Take a family road trip to visit a nearby city or attraction. While it is fun to travel and visit new places for a day, remind kids that a journey like Paul’s was much more challenging. Even though it was hard, Paul knew that the gospel message was worth it.

To Serve

Visit a local nursing home and volunteer to lead a time of worship and Bible study for residents. Prepare to act out a Bible story, do a crafting activity, and sing songs to lead the residents in worship. Explain to your kids that like Paul visiting different cities to share the good news about Jesus, you can visit the people of your community to tell them about Jesus.