Family Bible Time: The Hall of Faith

Unit 31 Session 5

The Hall of Faith

Family Bible Time Connection

Read all or parts of Hebrews 11 from your Bible

Talk About Scripture

Hebrews 11 tells us that faith is being sure that what we hope for will actually happen. Whether you know it or not, you put your faith in action every single day. When you step out of bed in the morning, do you check to make sure the floor is still there? No, you have faith that it’s going to be there like it has been every other morning. That is faith in action.

Hebrews 11 also tells us about many heroes who put their faith in action. Noah put his faith in action by building an ark when it wasn’t even raining. Abraham put his faith in action by leaving his home to follow God even when he didn’t know where he was going. Moses put his faith in action by leading the Israelites out of Egypt even when Pharaoh’s army was chasing after them. Rahab put her faith in action by welcoming spies from a foreign land.

Noah, Abraham, Moses, and Rahab were all heroes of faith because they trusted and obeyed God. But just like us, these heroes were sinners who needed an even greater hero to save them. Even though they didn’t understand God’s promises fully or ever get to see them fulfilled, these heroes believed that God would send a rescuer—a hero—who would rescue them for good.

That hero is Jesus! The greatest way for you and me to put our faith into action is by believing who Jesus is and what He did on the cross to save us from sin.

God kept His promise to send the Messiah—His own Son, Jesus—to rescue people from sin. Jesus is the true hero of the Bible. He gives us faith. We can look to Him because in Him, all of God’s promises will come true.

Memorize the Scripture

“Let the heavens be glad and the earth rejoice, and let them say among the nations, ‘The LORD reigns!’” 1 Chronicles 16:31

Prayer Time Ideas

Thank God for the examples of faith He has shown us in the Bible. Choose one person from the list in Hebrews 11 to consider how he or she demonstrated faith. How is God encouraging our faith through this hero’s story?

Ask God to increase your faith in Jesus. Ask Him to remind you of all the promises He kept by sending Jesus to rescue us from sin. Where do you need to trust and obey God in your life today? How does Jesus’ work on the cross help us to believe in all of God’s promises?

Actively Apply the Scripture

For Fun

Have your kids use clothes from your closet to make superhero costumes. Give them time to think of superhero names and special abilities. Then, let each kid show her costume to the family and share about her hero’s special abilities. Explain to your kids that the Bible gives us examples of faith through people like Noah, Abraham, Moses, and Rahab, but none of these people were perfect. Jesus is the true hero of the Bible!

Supplies: clothes & accessories

To Serve

Contact other church members or extended family members to ask for stories of God’s faithfulness in their lives. Write down the stories that you hear in a booklet and send copies to everyone who contributed. Encourage the contributors to read the stories you collected and the stories in Hebrews 11 so that their faith may grow as they are reminded of God’s faithfulness.