Family Bible Time: Jesus' Crucifixion and Resurrection

Unit 31 Session 4

Jesus’ Crucifixion and Resurrection

Family Bible Time Connection

Read all or parts of Matthew 26–28; John 20 from your Bible

Talk About Scripture

Can you imagine what Jesus’ followers might have been feeling after His death on the cross? They were probably devastated. They thought that Jesus would be the most powerful king ever. They thought he would start a perfect kingdom for His followers. How would He do all that if He was buried in a tomb? But even more than that, Jesus was their friend, and they were sad he had died.

When Jesus died on the cross and was then buried, his friends and followers likely felt no joy, only sorrow. Everything they had believed and everything they had hoped for disappeared in a matter of days. It really seemed like sin and death had won. Friday and Saturday were difficult days.

But then, on the third day, everything changed!

Two of Jesus’ followers, Mary Magdalene and another woman named Mary, went to the tomb early on Sunday morning. Their sadness and tears were interrupted by an earthquake and an angel who rolled back the stone that had been closing off Jesus’ tomb. The angel told them that Jesus was no longer in the tomb because He had risen just as He said He would. Then, Jesus himself appeared to them, and they fell down and worshiped Him.

Can you imagine the joy that flooded their hearts in that moment? Jesus was alive! He had conquered sin and death. He restored their joy and hope. It’s no wonder that their response was to fall down and worship. That same joy and hope is available to everyone who believes in Jesus.

Jesus’ death and resurrection is the center of the gospel. Jesus died to pay for our sins. Jesus is alive! God gives hope and true joy to everyone who trusts in Jesus.

Memorize the Scripture

“Let the heavens be glad and the earth rejoice, and let them say among the nations, ‘The LORD reigns!’” 1 Chronicles 16:31

Prayer Time Ideas

Praise Jesus as the Risen Savior just like the women did on that first Easter morning. Take a moment to worship Him through a song or through statements about who He is and what He has done.

Ask God to help you share Jesus with the same joy and excitement as the women who encountered Him at the tomb did. How does the story of Jesus’ resurrection move us to share Him with others?

Actively Apply the Scripture

For Fun

Choose a night to surprise the family with a special dessert or activity. Talk about how the excitement and joy for dessert is nothing compared to what the disciples felt when they heard Jesus is alive. Remind your kids that Jesus’ death and resurrection is what gives us hope and true joy.

To Serve

Deliver balloons, toys, or other supplies to a children’s hospital. Focus on bringing a moment of joy to the patients and families who are there as a way to demonstrate the joy and hope we have in Jesus. Remind your family that all joy and hope come from knowing who Jesus is and what He has done for us.

Supplies: balloons, toys, or other items.