Family Bible Time: Jesus is Better

Unit 31 Session 3

Jesus is Better

Family Bible Time Connection

Read all or parts of Hebrews 1–8 from your Bible

Talk About Scripture

The book If You Give a Mouse a Cookie tells the story of a mouse who always wants more. When he receives a cookie, the mouse kindly asks for a glass of milk to go along with it. But when the mouse receives a glass of milk, he wants something else, and the list of his requests just continues to grow and grow. The book is a fun story, but it is also a sad reminder that many of us feel like we always need something more or something better.

Many of the believers in the early church experienced persecution for following Jesus. These difficulties left them wondering if Jesus was worth it or if there was something better. Should they stick with following Jesus or go another way? The writer of Hebrews reminded them that there is nothing greater or better than Jesus.

Jesus is God who came to live with us. He understands everything we go through and is here to help us face every temptation. He is the rescuer who gave His life to save people from their sins. Others like Moses and Joshua did great things, but they could not provide everything for God’s people. Only Jesus can fully provide for His people. That’s what makes Jesus better than anything we can imagine. If you give a person Jesus, then that person has everything he needs.

Jesus is better than anyone and anything. He is the better Prophet, the better Priest, and the better King. Everyone who trusts in Jesus has salvation from sin through His perfect life, death, and resurrection.

Memorize the Scripture

“Let the heavens be glad and the earth rejoice, and let them say among the nations, ‘The LORD reigns!’” 1 Chronicles 16:31

Prayer Time Ideas

The Bible says that Jesus gives peace, strength, comfort, help, friendship, wisdom, forgiveness, and so much more. Today, thank God for one of the things He has provided for you through Jesus. How is Jesus better than anything or anyone?

Ask Jesus to be a comfort and help for any difficulties you, or others, might be facing. How does it feel to know that Jesus understands everything we go through? How has Jesus been a comfort and help in your life?

Actively Apply the Scripture

For Fun

Make a list of each family member’s favorites. Include their favorite foods or desserts, favorite movies, favorite colors, and so forth. Compare the lists each family member has made. Talk about how much we love these things because they bring us joy or comfort. Remind your kids that loving these things is fine, but Jesus is even better than their “favorites” because He has provided the greatest joy and comfort through his perfect life, death, and resurrection.

To Serve

Volunteer to serve in a local food pantry or soup kitchen. Listen to the people and help meet their needs of food and friendship. After serving, talk with your kids about how it felt to meet the needs of others. Remind your kids that we can love and serve others because Jesus is the better example of love and service. He showed the greatest love by coming to live with us and by dying on the cross to save us from sin.