Family Bible Time: Barnabas in Antioch

Unit 31 Session 2

Barnabas in Antioch

Family Bible Time Connection

Read all or parts of Acts 11:19-30 from your Bible

Talk About Scripture

Have you ever tried to stop yourself from blinking? It’s impossible! We need to blink to clean and protect our eyes. The average person blinks 15 to 20 times every minute. No matter how hard you try, you will eventually have to blink. Blinking is unstoppable!

The Book of Acts tells us what happened after Jesus ascended into heaven and left His followers with the mission of making disciples. As the apostles and other followers of Jesus continued to share the good news about Jesus, the gospel was like blinking: unstoppable!

The message of Jesus spread, and as people believed in Jesus, they formed new churches. One of these churches was in a city named Antioch. This was the place where believers were first called Christians. Barnabas travelled to Antioch to celebrate what God was doing and to encourage the Jews and Gentiles who had believed in Jesus. They celebrated as more and more people came to believe in Jesus.

Even though some people tried to stop it, the gospel spread throughout the earth—not only to Jews but also to Gentiles. The good news about Jesus is for everyone. God calls us to celebrate when others believe and help them know and love Jesus more.

Memorize the Scripture

“Let the heavens be glad and the earth rejoice, and let them say among the nations, ‘The LORD reigns!’” 1 Chronicles 16:31

Prayer Time Ideas

Ask God to provide opportunities for your family to share the good news of Jesus with others today. Who are some people needing to hear about Jesus? How can we introduce them to Jesus through our conversations today?

Pray for church planters who are sharing the gospel and starting churches in cities all across the world, including your own. How can we support these new churches?

Actively Apply the Scripture

For Fun

Allow your kids to select any country on a world map to study. Use the internet to learn as much as possible about the country and its people. Try to find information about any churches or missionaries serving Jesus there or about the local church in that particular country. Finish by praying that the unbelieving people of that country would hear the good news about Jesus and believe in Him.

Supplies: world map

To Serve

Volunteer to host a “party” for those being baptized in your church to celebrate what Jesus has done in their hearts. Ask your pastor for ideas or gifts that your family could give to celebrate baptisms in your church.

Supplies: party supplies or gifts for those being baptized