Family Bible Time: Peter and Cornelius

Unit 31 Session 1

Peter and Cornelius

Family Bible Time Connection

Read all or parts of Acts 10 from your Bible

Talk About Scripture

On April 15, 1947, Jackie Robinson became the first African American player in the history of Major League Baseball. Until that day, only white players had played in the Big Leagues because only white players were allowed to. This rule that kept certain people from playing because of the color of their skin was unfair, unnecessary, and wrong. By taking the field that day in 1947, Jackie Robinson showed the world that baseball could be played by anyone.

In this week’s Bible story, God used a vision to show Peter that the good news of Jesus is for everyone. Peter learned that God does not show favoritism to some people over others. When Peter preached the gospel to those at Cornelius’ house, the Holy Spirit helped both Jews and Gentiles to believe in Jesus and be baptized. God’s love is big enough for all people, and Jesus’ sacrifice is great enough to forgive the sins of anyone who trusts in Him.

God wants everyone to hear the good news about Jesus. It should never be limited to certain people. Like baseball is a game that everyone should be able to play, the good news about Jesus is news that everyone needs to hear.

God showed Peter that just as there is no “clean” and “unclean” food, there are no “clean” and “unclean” people. God calls believers to tell everyone the good news about Jesus, no matter who they are or where they come from. Jesus is the Lord of all.

Memorize the Scripture

“Let the heavens be glad and the earth rejoice, and let them say among the nations, ‘The LORD reigns!’” 1 Chronicles 16:31

Prayer Time Ideas

Praise God for the uniqueness we see in His creation. Thank Him for the variety of colors, shapes, and sizes that we see just in people. How do our differences show God’s creativity? How can we celebrate differences as a sign of God’s love for us?

Thank God for His love and for the truth that He doesn’t have any favorites. Praise Him for creating every person in His image and loving all people everywhere. Ask God to help you see everyone as worthy of respect and love no matter what.

Actively Apply the Scripture

For Fun

Celebrate the differences in God’s creation by having a buffet of different meats, fruits, and vegetables for dinner. Try to find items that your kids have not tasted before. As you enjoy the meal together, talk about the differences we see in God’s creation. Remind your kids that God loves all people and wants everyone to hear the good news about Jesus.

Supplies: variety of meats, fruits, and vegetables

To Serve

Host a dinner party for international students in your community. Contact a local university or ministry to get a list of students to invite. During the dinner, ask the students to share more about their lives, their families, and their cultures. Share about your life, family, and culture too and invite the students to ask any questions they might have. End the dinner by celebrating God’s love for all people. Take the opportunity to share the good news with them if they are not believers.