Family Bible Time: Guarding the Truth

Unit 30 Session 4

Guarding the Truth

Family Bible Time Connections

Read all or parts of 2 Corinthians 11 from your Bible

Talk About Scripture

Anne Lorimor holds the world record for the oldest woman to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro. The 89-year-old took just nine days to reach the top of the 19,341-foot peak. In an interview, Anne said, “I had great pain in my side, and I couldn't take deep breaths. I was afraid if I couldn't keep oxygenated enough, I couldn't go.” There were a lot of reasons for Anne to stop, but she pressed on and continued to the top. For Anne, the key to climbing a mountain was not giving up.

While he may not have encountered any mountains in his way, Paul faced many obstacles that could have stopped him from telling others about Jesus. But Paul pressed on. He was thrown in jail, but he pressed on. He was shipwrecked, but he pressed on. He nearly died for sharing the good news of the gospel, but he pressed on. Despite all that happened, Paul continued to work hard for the mission Jesus had given him.

When we trust in Jesus, He gives us a mission to share the gospel with others. It’s not an easy mission, but Jesus promised to be with us and give us the courage to tell others about Jesus. No matter what obstacles we face, the good news of the gospel is worth every cost. And that is why we press on.

Sharing Jesus with the world is not always easy. There will always be some who try to stop the good news from spreading. God calls believers to follow and obey Jesus no matter what.

Memorize the Scripture

“He is also the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, so that he might come to have first place in everything” - Colossians 1:18

Prayer Time Ideas

Ask God to give you courage and boldness as you live for Him today. How do the promises of Jesus give us hope and courage in hard times? How can showing courage in hard times help others to see Jesus?

Thank God for allowing you to be part of His mission in sharing the gospel to the world. Ask for His power as you live as a witness for Jesus. How does it feel to be entrusted with such an important mission?

Actively Apply the Scripture

For Fun

Set up an obstacle course through your house or apartment. Blindfold your kids and allow them to try navigating the course on their own. After a few attempts, guide them by giving them instructions and encouragement. Discuss how a guide makes the course easier and how Jesus’ promises help us to face challenges as we live for Him.

Supplies: items for the obstacle course, blindfold

To Serve

Host a neighborhood block party. Serve cookies, hot chocolate, or other treats to get to know those who live around you. Talk as a family about some other ways you can get to know your neighbors better and invite them to your church.

Supplies: party supplies, cookies, hot chocolate