Family Bible Time: God Had a Plan for Joseph

Unit 3 Session 5

God Had a Plan for Joseph

Family Bible Time Connection

Read all or parts of Genesis 37—50 from your Bible

Talk About Scripture

The movie Despicable Me introduces the villain Gru, who is on a mission to shrink and steal the moon. Gru’s despicable plan includes stealing a shrink ray by adopting three orphans and using them to sneak into the base where the ray is kept. But Gru’s plan backfires as he falls in love with the three girls who have joined his family. Gru’s plan actually led to a happy ending and a happy family.

The story of Joseph is not exactly like Despicable Me, but the whole episode does end with a happy ending and a happy family. After Joseph is placed in charge of the food supplies in Egypt, his brothers came to buy food so that they could survive. Because Pharaoh had placed Joseph in charge, Joseph was able to save the lives of his family and all the people of Israel. Even though the story began with an evil plan, God used Joseph to save his entire family from a famine. 

After the family had settled safely in Egypt, Joseph told his brothers, “You planned evil against me; God planned it for good to bring about the present result—the survival of many people.” (Genesis 50:20). Joseph’s life points us to Jesus as the greater rescuer. Jesus was hated by others. He was treated unfairly. He was punished for sins He did not commit. But every event of Jesus’ life—even His death—was part of God’s plan to save people from their sin. For those who believe in Jesus, His story has the happiest ending of all.

God had a plan for Joseph’s life. He allowed Joseph to suffer to rescue a whole nation. In a greater way, God planned for Jesus to suffer so that many—people from all nations—would be saved from sin.

Prayer Time

Ask God to help you trust Him in every situation you face today. How can God’s goodness help us to trust Him even in difficult times? 

Ask God to use your life to glorify Him and to help others know Jesus. How does Joseph’s story help us to trust God with the future? How will you remember that God has a plan even when things seem to go wrong?

Actively Apply the Scripture

For Fun

Bake bread or a similar treat (brownies, cinnamon rolls) together as a family. Give each family member a job like measuring, mixing, kneading, or shaping the dough. Talk about the cupbearer and baker that Joseph met in prison. Discuss how God used them in His plan. Then, discuss how God might use your family to help others know Jesus and believe in Him. Enjoy the bread or treat you have made as the happy ending of your hard work.

Supples: bread mix or other ingredients

To Serve

Gather food to donate to a food pantry or make a monetary donation to a food bank. As you plan or organize your donations, talk about what it would be like not to have enough food. Discuss the emotions or fears Joseph’s brothers were likely facing. Help your kids see that God used their hunger to bring them to Egypt, which ultimately led to their salvation from the famine. Talk with your kids about how your family can provide for others’ needs as a way to help them feel the love of Jesus and hear more about Him. 

Supplies: collected food items