Family Bible Time: The Emmaus Disciples

November 25, 2020 | Unit 27, Lesson 2

Family Bible Time Connections

Unit 27 Lesson 2

Read all or parts of Luke 24:13-35

Talk About Scripture

Have you ever had an “Aha! Moment”? This is the moment when you suddenly realize, recognize, or understand something you had previously missed. It’s like the moment you realized fire doesn’t have a shadow. Go ahead and test it because I’m sure you just had an Aha! moment!

This week, we learned about two disciples who had an Aha! moment on the road to Emmaus. The disciples were trying to make sense of everything that happened to Jesus, and then He appeared and asked what they were discussing. The disciples didn’t recognize Jesus, so they literally told the story of Jesus to Jesus! 

Then, Jesus explained to them how the prophets had pointed people to Himself. Jesus started way back with the first books of the Bible written by Moses, and He showed them how all of Scripture pointed to Him as the Messiah. Can you imagine what the two disciples were thinking as they heard Jesus teaching? The events of the last few days were very fresh on their minds, and now Jesus was connecting the dots to show them why it all had happened. Even before they realized this was Jesus and that He was alive, they were convinced by what the Bible said about Him being the Messiah! That is an Aha! moment we all need to experience!

The whole Bible is about Jesus. When Adam and Eve sinned, God began working out His plan to send Jesus to rescue people from sin. All of the Old Testament points forward to Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection—the time when Jesus would bring God’s promised salvation for sinners.

Prayer Time Ideas

  • Ask God to help you see the truth about Jesus in all of the Bible. How does the Old Testament point us to Jesus? How does the New Testament show us what it means to follow Jesus?

  • Thank God for the Bible and how it points us to Jesus. Why does all the Bible point us to Jesus? What does this show us about God’s plan?

Actively Apply the Scripture

For Fun

Take a family walk in your neighborhood or at the park. Discuss the stories or prophecies from the Old Testament that help you see Jesus as the rescuer God promised.

To Serve

Visit and search “Bible translation” to find ways you can support Bible translation for people groups in their own language. Pray that those who receive the Bibles will see Jesus as they read.

An App Experience

If you would like the curriculum, video and music videos at your finger tips for your kids, download the Gospel Project App! You can download it for FREE on any device. Search LifeWay Kids and choose Gospel project Volume 9 Fall 2020. You will find coloring sheets, games and helpful ways to learn the memory verses.