Family Bible Time: Jesus was Arrested

November 4, 2020 | Unit 26, Lesson 4

Family Bible Time Connections

Unit 26 Lesson 4

Read all or parts of Matthew 26:36-27:31

Talk About Scripture

Why did Jesus have to die? Imagine the sadness of knowing Jesus was betrayed by one of His disciples. Think of the injustice of Jesus being accused, tried, and sentenced to death by the religious leaders even though He had done nothing wrong. Consider the pain and agony He would endure as He went to the cross. When we think of what Jesus experienced—how cruel His death was— we might wonder why it had to happen like this. Was this all part of God’s plan?

This week, we learned about the night Jesus was arrested. Jesus went to the garden of Gethsemane to pray. He was troubled because He knew everything that was about to happen. When the guards came for Jesus, Peter drew his sword to defend Jesus, but Jesus stopped him. Jesus was about to be arrested, accused, put on trial, and eventually crucified, but He said this was exactly what God had planned. 

Jesus saw the sadness, injustice, pain, and agony that was coming for Him. Even though it troubled Him, Jesus willingly followed God’s plan. He knew that there was no other way for people to be saved. 

Jesus knew that His death was God’s plan to save people from sin. Jesus’ friends turned against Him and He was arrested and put on trial, but Jesus followed His Father’s plan in order to bring salvation to the world.

Prayer Time Ideas

  • Ask God to help you obey your parents, teachers, and leaders today. How was Jesus obedient to God and His plan? Why is it important for you to obey those God has placed in charge?

  • Thank God for the friendships He has provided for you. How can a friend help you to follow God’s plan in hard times? How can you be a good friend to others?

Actively Apply the Scripture

For Fun

Play a family game of “Simon Says.” Allow each family member to lead the game for a round. Talk about obedience and why it is difficult for us to obey perfectly. Remind kids that Jesus obeyed perfectly—even obedient to His death on the cross. 

To Serve

Give up something important this week like TV, social media, or even a day without food if health permits. As you think about those things that you’ve given up, ask God to remind you of the suffering and the sacrifice of Jesus.

An App Experience

If you would like the curriculum, video and music videos at your finger tips for your kids, download the Gospel Project App! You can download it for FREE on any device. Search LifeWay Kids and choose Gospel project Volume 9 Fall 2020. You will find coloring sheets, games and helpful ways to learn the memory verses.